Saturday Happenings.
Ive been busy traveling somewhat! I drive up about 230 miles to visit my scrapbook friend. I got back yesterday afternoon. I was gone for two days.
Gearing up to go to Ft Lauderdale next Sunday for a week. My Denver friend lives there. Her husband is going to Wisconsin ad she doesnt want to stay by herself. So im going down there to look around and hang out. I got family there too. I am wanting to move there but Carl wont budge!!!!
Otherwise life is good!
Hi Carla,
Sorry for posting a long Saturday thread after you did. When I started writing it, there was none. Have a nice visit with your friend.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and everyone......
Carla.....I am so happy that you are able to travel so much. Did you do scrapbooking with your friend while you were there? I always wanted to do that but never have. I have too much Arthritis in my hands. I am sure you will have fun with your friend in Ft Lauderdale!! Please don't get arrested...LOL
As for me.....I am still fighting this awful sinus and respitory crud. I am feeling a bit better each day. Not much else planned. It is cold and windy today. High of 41 degrees. I plan on staying in and keeping warm!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day. Prayers for those in need.
Love and lots of hugs to all....connie d
Hello sistas!
Carla, it is always an adventure reading your posts! Your device sure does spell some funny words!
Today I am planting my pansies and raking leaves and enjoying the nice fall weather. It's a bit damp out today, but the temperature is lovely!
Connie, dang you, girlfriend! I think you put a jinx on me with your talk of bedspreads and laundromats!!! Guess who pooped all over my bedspread last night? Butter Bean! His diaper just must have been on crooked because it just about missed the whole thing! Ugh! So I am washing and drying my king size quilt/bedspread today. It's too damp to hang it out to dry. It's on its 2nd cycle through the dryer.
Butch and I have a date tonight. We may be too tired to do anything, but we're going out to dinner ALONE together. There's a new seafood restaurant called The Reel that we're going to go try. Now, in this neck of the woods, seafood may only mean fried catfish--you never can tell--but I'm hoping for shrimp and/or crab. Butch wants crawfish.
I haven't even asked Butch yet today what time he has to be at the airport tomorrow. As long as I don't ask, I can pretend it's not happening. Ha!
Benny Bop has been helping me with the yard work. I wish you all could see his pockets! He must have over 100 acorns stuffed in all his pants pockets! He just loves them. It's so funny.
Chris and Reesey have gone Xmas shopping at Wal Mart, so that's why I'm keeping Benny on my (ahem!) "day off", but he's being such a good boy, it's no trouble today.
I'd better get back to my yard work. I want to finish the leaves this afternoon if I can.
Love you all!
Post Scriptum: Date night was a success! What a lovely little restaurant! It was a REAL restaurant, too, not just another deep fried place. I had a ****tail to start. I ordered a Bellini, and man, it was so strong! I had to send it back and ask them to add more fruit juice to it. I could still only drink half of it over the course of the evening. I got the shrimp and grits. YUMMMM! I ate not quite half and brought the rest home. Butch got the "Reel Platter" and it was great. I tried a tiny bite of his crab cake and it was so good! He couldn't finish his dinner either (a rare occurance, let me tell you), so we had a big to-go box to bring home. And we splurged and ordered creme brulee for dessert. It's our absolute favorite dessert and we hardly ever order it, but it was date night, so what the heck. I could only eat about 3 bites of it, but oh the joy! Yummy!
Then we came home and played a while with the baby. I swear to y'all, he is so advanced. And I'm not just being a prejudiced grandma. He is way ahead of the curve with the smiling and "talking" and all his social interactions. I can't wait to see what the doctor says on Monday.
I'm ready for bed. I have a new book to read tonight. I hope it is good. I will need several good books to distract me while Butch is gone. I get a lot of free books on my Nook and Kindle, and they're usually just so-so, but every now and then I find a new author that I really like. And sometimes I splurge and spend $.99 on a new book. Ha! If it's an author I really like, I will pay the full price for the e-book, but mostly I just shop the bargains. I must have several hundred books waiting to be read, so if I start one and don't like it, I just delete it and move on to the next one.
I'm sure the blue funk will strike me tomorrow, but I managed to hold it at bay today. It helped working outside today. Gardening is such good therapy. I won't think about Butch leaving until I have to take him to the airport tomorrow afternoon. Time enough to mope and cry after he leaves, right?
Nighty-night, sistas! Love you all!