It's Friii-daaay!
Good morning sistas!
I still remember all those years I worked and how grateful I was when Friday arrived! So for those of you who are still working, TGIF!
Had one of those wild and crazy days yesterday. Here's hoping that today is a little calmer. I do have a haircut at 10:30 a.m. and the AC repair man is coming around 3 p.m. today. Other than that, I plan to do a little gardening today. Bought some of the most beautiful pansies I ever saw at Lowe's yesterday. They look like antiques! Gorgeous shades of pale mauve and pale yellow combined. I just love pansies anyway, and these just took my breath away. So pretty!
Chris got sick at work yesterday and had to come home. She was dizzy and didn't feel like she could drive, so Butch went to get her. Had to leave her car at Hobby Lobby, so he's also taking her back to work this morning. I hope she can make the day. She was still weaving a little this morning. I don't guess she's ever had vertigo before. I had it once and it was miserable. I know our Cindi B. suffers from it too. I told her if she still has the symptoms today to go to the doctor.
Speaking of Cindi B., I saw on FB that she arrived safely in Texas but still hasn't gotten all "hooked up" yet with her computer and things. I do think she's at the refuge now, but just getting her RV set to rights and getting settled in right now.
Hope all of our "sickies" are feeling better today. And those sistas who are facing more serious health issues (like sweet Jennifer), please know that I am praying for you all daily. And where are all our MIA's? Eileen, we haven't heard from you in days. You okay?
I also ask for prayers since Butch is leaving in two days (on Sunday) and I will be on my own with the boys for the next 17 days. Trish, I appreciate your comment yesterday about Trent. Yes, I know some people have to do it all, all by themselves--I did it myself when my girls were little. But I was in my 20s and 30s then. Now I just get so fatigued at night. There are some evenings when I just don't think I'm going to make it to bedtime, I'm so tired. But thankfully, Chris only has to work 2 nights next week. Two nights out of seven is doable.
I'd better get moving on my day. I love you all!
Good afternoon Vickie and everyone....
Vickie....I love pansies too. They sound just gorgeous!! I love those colors together. As for Chris....I hope it is nothing too serious. I have been thinking a lot about Cindi and am glad she arrived safely. She is one tough and courageous lady!! Thanks for letting us know she is safe. I too am really worry about our MIAs. I know why some are gone but most all of them not so much. Hope everyone is just busy. I will continue to keep you and Butch in my prayers. When does he return for good? I am so happy that Chris will only be working two nights next week. That for sure is doable!!!!
As for me....I went to the laundromat today. It isn't far away. It is kept up so nice. I had a couple comforters and a couple blankets to wa**** is great using those huge washers and dryers.
I am feeling a bit better today. I have been taking plenty of cold meds trying to kick this thing. I have all my errands all run. I stocked up on Boost, vitamins, and water. I plan on resting on this weekend!!
Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the day!!
Prayers for many of our OFF friends in need. Special prayers for Annette, Jennifer, and others dealing with major health issues.
LOVE and oodles of HUGS to all.......connie d
I too have been lurking, no news and don't want to dampen anyone's good news.
Seems my MRI is 13 Nov as haven't been able to snag someone else's cancellation, means my surgery will be Dec 2.
Have scheduled myself into post surgical convalescent room at a private seniors residence for a week as get tossed out of hospital after day surgery (as mastectomy or lumpectomy are unbelievably just day surgery here now, different from in 1986 when I had lumpectomy and stayed overnight). Not much more to say so far....thanks for keeping me in your prayers and good thoughts. This waiting for MRI and surgery is killing me.
Good Evening Vickie and OFF Sisters,
I'm late, yet again. Had a crazy busy day, and am finally settling in to do some online correspondence and knit.
First, I got to babysit Frankie. He's just too cute for words. He hadn't had much breakfast by the time I got there, so while I had a couple cheese sticks for a snack, so did he. Then, when I sat on the couch to watch TV and knit, he came over and sat on my lap, and fell asleep. Eventually, I put him in the crib. When Colleen got home from taking Lincoln to speech, she mentioned waking Frankie to take Lincoln to get a haircut. So, I told her I'd stay if she wanted me to.
When I got home, the sun was shining and the temps weren't freezing, so I raked a slew of leaves. We had several days of rain, and since I'm allergic to mold, which rapidly forms on the underside of the leaves, I raked them to the curb. The city has a huge thing that sucks up leaves, which they bring around at least once a week. I got most of them to the curb. I'll take the rest down tomorrow.
Mom called by accident, and she sounds sick as a dog. She refuses to see a doctor. I told her to have my sister call me. I'm going to beg her to take Mom to the emergency room. Mom has had several heart attacks, multiple bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis, a mini-stroke, a double aortic aneurysm removed, blood clots, and is bipolar. How she lived to age 87 is a miracle. I just would hate to lose her just because she stubbornly refuses to seek medical attention.
Sorry to babble.
Love and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer