Wednesday, Wednesday

Cindy P.
on 11/6/13 3:36 am

Good morning (it's almost afternoon here on the West Coast).  I've been lurking again even though I promised myself I wouldn't do that any more.


I just wanted to say Hi and that I hope everyone has a good day today.


Cindy P.   

on 11/6/13 7:32 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Cindy P!  Gee where is everybody?  Once again I have a hard time finding 5 minutes to get on the computer and post.  But here I am.  Where are my sistas???

Having a busy day.  Butch and I ran errands in town this morning, then came home by noon so that Chris could go to work.  Butch went and picked up Benny from school at 3 o'clock, and the "boys" got haircuts this afternoon.  As always, Butch takes Benny to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream after their haircuts.  It's their little tradition.

I nearly got Reesey to laugh today!  He was talking and cooing and gurgling, and smiling so sweetly!  I tried to film it with my camera, but of course, he would not even SMILE while I was filming him, much less laugh!  But I put the little video up on FB anyway so his other grandparents could see him. 

I am in a state of near panic at the thought of Butch leaving on Sunday.  I'm trying not to show it, but I can tell y'all--I don't want to be left alone for 2 weeks with these boys at night!  Oh, please pray that Chris doesn't have to work many night shifts for the two weeks that Butch will be gone.  I can handle the day time pretty well.  But nights are horrible. 

I go to see the skin doctor tomorrow.  Got a funny spot on the side of my nose that worries me.  I'd better get it checked while I still have my good health insurance.  I've been looking at alternative policies for me after Butch retires and it's not a pretty picture.  Pretty damn grim, to tell you the truth.  He will go on Medicare, but I have 10 more years before I qualify for Medicare.  I don't know what I'm going to do, but the time is swiftly approaching for me to do something.

Last night I made a banana pudding for dessert.  First time I've made it since my WLS, so Benny had never had it before.  Oh, he loved it!  I had a very small portion and have managed to stay out of it all day today.  Sometimes I feel badly that I don't bake and such for my family anymore.  But Butch is diabetic and he doesn't need it, and God knows I don't need it.  Still, I have such fond memories of my Mommaw cooking special dinners and desserts for all of us.  I want to do the same for my boys.

Well, speaking of cooking, I'd better get started on supper.  Nothing fancy tonight: hot dogs and mac n cheese.  Butch and I would really like to go out, but we're too chicken to try it with both the boys.  So we'll stay home and have little boy's favorites instead.

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 11/6/13 9:48 am

Good evening Cindy and everyone..... is wonderful to see you post again. You have been missed.I too hope you had a wonderful day!!

Vickie...I think your favorite boys dinner is great. At least you are all together!! I too am concerned about Butch leaving again. This is his last time on the rigs right? He will be back and helping you before long.  I am praying Chris can get a better schedule without all nights. Can't she request less nights now that she has two children to care for? I hope she at least tries to get that done. It is just so hard on you. I worry so much about your health. Physically and mentally. This takes quite a toll on you I know!! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. I wish I could be there to help!!!

I have a bit of congestion and a slight fever. I walked around the halls for a bit today get a little exercise in. It tired me out pretty quickly.

My ex-boyfriend, Tony stopped by. He helped carry my laundry to and from the laundry room. That helped so much. I was down to very little energy by then. He is one of my best friends. He would do anything for me!! We hung out and watched movies together. He just left a little while ago. He calls almost every day. If I am sick he calls every day or stops by. I am blessed.

I don't know where everyone is. I pray they are all okay. I know Cindi is busy with her move and Judy is worried about her mother. More prayers for them.

Prayers for Annette, Jennifer and many others here on our OFF Board!!

Wishing you all a nice evening!

Love and hugs to all.....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/6/13 10:03 am - Galion, OH

Hi OFF family...been lurking and just to dam pooped to post anything I guess. Worried about my mom and her health not being so good anymore. Her BP keeps bottoming out and she passes out and ends up in the worried she isn't going to be around much longer....

Things at work are making us cranky right tenant has bed bugs and is driving us nuts trying to get her to understand she has to do what they told her that has to be done BEFORE they can come in and take care of the problem!!!!!!!!!! Then tonight she calls and says she has a leak over her stove or something...Rick HAD to go in there!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!! He is livid and upset BIG time!!!!!!!! Turns out to be the vent over the stove the rain is coming through it...we can't touch it because the roof is under warranty!!!!!!!!!! So right now I am washing his clothes in HO****er and then dry them in HOT temps.......Pray he didn't get any on him!!!!!!!!!! Then we get another call...another tenant has water all over her kitchen floor...her sink is another call her bathroom floor is all wet....yuppers leaked through from other tenant...Rick is so upset tonight I am worried he will have a stroke!!!!!!! Now they can't find the shop vac...asking ME where it is!!!!!!!!! I am not the maintenance woman here THEY are maintenance and use that and put it away...well they can't find it!!!!!!!!!! Now I AM LIVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so worried about getting out of work early to have a dam beer!!!!!!!!! I am in dire need of a vacation away from them both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND all the goings on here!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

OK I am getting this shut down and I am going to bed and NOBODY else better call here!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!


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