Good morning and "Happy Tuesday"
Good morning everyone.....
I have to go to WalMart and pick up a couple things. I will be walking inside today. Too wet and cold out there. It is only 33 degrees with a high of went up it was only suppose to get to 35....woooohoooo!
I had a rough night last night. I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00 AM. Slept lousy!! Kyleigh called me at 7:00AM to tell me her building was out of heat. She knew I couldn't do anything about it...she just wanted to tell me. Oh well...I always tell my grandchildren they can call me anytime!!
Well this is my boring life....not too exciting I know!
I am wishing you all a great day. I will do my best to check back in with everyone later.
Have a wonderful day! Prayers for many of our OFF family.
Much love and tons of hugs to everyone.....connie d
Hi Connie and OFF Family,
I had a great post to start the thread, and it was lost by the computer. I decided that I'd check in later.
This morning I worked on my Bible study. I also went and voted. There's a referendum on the ballot here. It was the first time I didn't vote in Bucks County, PA. When Paul, my ex, was in the Army, I voted by Absentee Ballot.
I tidied, and Swiffered my floors, because the boys were supposed to come over now. Colleen texted me that Trent would watch them. So, I'm going to finish my Bible study, and then get going. Tonight is the last time we meet before Christmas. We're having pizza for supper.
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon Connie and Trish and all my OFF sistas!
Connie, wish I could send you some of our mild fall weather. It's a bit humid and sticky still, but the cooler temps are sure nice. Sorry about your rough night. Maybe tonight will be better. Still no word on the apartment yet?
Trish--well, golly gee! Cleaned those dang floors for nothin', didn't ya? LOL! I'm afraid my own floors wouldn't pass any kind of cleaning test right now. It's on my list to do this week.
I've had a semi-productive day for a change. Woke up this morning and my husband informed me he didn't have any more clean underwear! Holy cow. Have I been under the weather or under a rock the past week? Either way, the laundry hasn't been getting done! I'm currently on my 5th and last load right now. And Butch was really good about it. He always is so tolerant of my shortcomings.
Also, I finally got a chance to clean my oven and stove top today. Oven is on it's last hour of the cleaning cycle. I cleaned and scrubbed the cooktop, washed the silver trays (that go under the burners) and things look much better now. I try to clean the oven at least twice a year, but I'm afraid this one has only been cleaned once since I moved in here. It was TIME!
Then lil Butter Bean and I went for a walk. I put him in the stroller and made the block, checked the mail, etc. He fell asleep so I just covered him with a blanket and let him snooze on the back porch while I sat in the yard and talked to Butch while he was building the greenhouse. It felt like a normal day for a change.
Chris gets off work at 4 p.m. today, so she is picking Benny up from school this afternoon. Mike is coming out with her, so they'll be here for supper. But I'm doing easy tonight: hamburgers and oven fries. Nothing fancy and we'll use paper plates. Easy cleanup afterwards.
Well, I'd better go flip that last load of laundry. Wishing some of our MIA's would pop in and say hello! Love you all!
Hello Vickie....I agree...only three of us today. Where the heck is everyone??
I hope to get a much better nights sleep tonight. Pam has been here the last two nights. When she is here I don't get as much sleep. We are always up until 2:00 or 3:00 AM....sometimes later. She spent most all of the night on my computer doing Farmville. She is so addicted to that it is crazy. She can sit for many, many, hours and does!! She left a little while ago. I look forward to a quieter evening.
Glad you had a better day today....and more productive too. Sorry you had so much laundry to do. I love doing laundry....I always have. Cleaning ovens is right about down to the bottom of my list. I was always spoiled and had self cleaning ovens. I doubt I will have one of those again!! I hate those burner trays too...YUCK!! I do them but I don't like it...LOL.
Little Butter cute. He is a rather chubby little bean!! Sounds like he had a nice little nap on the porch while you had time with Butch!
I haven't heard anything about the apartment. She told me not to worry as it takes a couple weeks or so to get all the paperwork back. Still praying!!
Love you friend....HUGS....connie d