Hi there its Monday!

on 11/3/13 11:45 pm - Bradenton, FL

This time change has me crazy! Come 430pm and I want to go sleep!

Yesterday Carl and I went to the River Walk. It is in downtown Bradenton. They were having the taste of Manatee, The county we live in! It was a joke! Mostly crafters. I think only four or five restaurants were there! I didnt buy any tickets! It didnt look interesting all fried stuff!!!!!

Can u believe its way cooler here! I think the high is going to be 70! I think ill pull out my jeans!

Talk on I need my coffee!

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Connie D.
on 11/4/13 2:09 am

Good morning Carla and everyone....

Carla.....I would love the weather in the 70s. It is 42 with a high of 46 today. Also raining....again! Tomorrow the high will be 35. I hate the weather in MN!!! So sorry the event was such a disappointment. I wouldn't have eaten all that fried food either!!

Nothing happening here with me. I will not be able to go out for my walk as it is raining to hard. If I feel better later I will go to WalMart and walk laps inside.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Prayers for all in need.

Love and hugs to all... connie d

on 11/4/13 2:31 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Connie!  We were posting at the same time this morning.  I just couldn't live up north with all those cold temps.  I break out the sweaters and coats when it's in the 50's!  LOL!  Thin blood and all that.  We're still running the AC in the late afternoons when the heat builds up in the house.  Haven't had to turn the heater on yet.  I guess it's all just a matter of what you're used to, huh?

Still praying for that apartment to come through for you!  Love you!


on 11/4/13 2:24 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Carla and all my OFF sistas!

I almost wrote that today I am thankful for baby naps!  Whew, got that sweet little bugger down for a few minutes.  He's still not on a regular schedule, but hopefully soon.  Chris is weaning him off the breast milk and onto formula, which I think makes it easier to get him on a regular schedule.  It's just too much for her to try and pump breast milk while she's at work.  I thought it would be.  Plus she has no privacy at work at all, and it was all just so difficult.  She's feeling a bit guilty, but I told her not to worry about it.  He will do just fine on the formula.

Benny calls Reese "brudder", which we have somehow shortened into "Budder".  I've been calling him "Budder Bean" because he is getting so big!  (Y'all know what a butter bean is, right?  Southern vegetable similar to a lima bean, only bigger and fatter?)  Anyway, he is 8 weeks old today, and will be 2 months old on Saturday.  Has his doctor's visit next Monday and I can't wait to see how much he's grown.

Butch and I didn't get much construction done yesterday.  Instead we had tractor problems all day long.  I volunteered to mow using the John Deere riding mower while he worked on framing the greenhouse.  Only I couldn't steer the JD tractor worth a durn.  Butch pulled it apart and discovered that the "bushings" (I have NO idea what that is) were shot, so he went off to ACE hardware (only store open around here on Sundays) to get some more.  While he was at the hardware store, his truck died, so I had to go down there and give him a jump.  When we got home, he still had the tractor all in pieces all over the driveway, so I decided to try a little hand mowing with the push mower.  Big mistake.  I thought I could just take it easy since the mower pulls itself, but mowing that hillside was harder than I thought and made my back start hurting again.  That left me down for the rest of the afternoon.  Butch did finally get the tractor put back together and he did the mowing.  By then we had had it.  I think we wasted a day.  LOL!

This morning it was raining a bit, but it's stopped now, so he's out there fiddling around with his lumber and stuff.  Haven't heard any hammering yet.  Ha!  I'm stuck inside with babysitting duties.  Trying to make good use of my time, but lil Budder Bean has different ideas! 

I took Benny to school this morning and he cried when I left him, which always makes me feel miserable and wretched.  I want to hang around and cuddle him, but that never really helps.  Just prolongs the agony.  I've learned to give him a hug and a kiss, tell him I'll be back this afternoon, and GO.  But I don't like it.  Not one little bit.

Well, I need to go flip the laundry and see what else I can accomplish while the baby naps.  Thanks to those of you playing the Thankfulness Game this year.  Anyone can join in at any time.  You don't have to post everyday.  I really meant what I said today:  I love you all!



on 11/4/13 3:40 am, edited 11/4/13 11:35 am - Canada
Well, I have My MRI scheduled for 13 Nov and the cancer surgery on 2 Dec. But am on a cancellation list and if I get my MRI at least four days earlier, I can have surgery on 18 Nov. I also have the sciatica from hell and know it is caused by stress. Took 2 of my nsaids 4 hours appart ( instead of once a day or if in bad pain, once every 12 hours but that should not be often) and it has just barely scratched the surface. I cant sit or lie down and will only be seeing my GP doctor on 14 Nov as she is still away, so am using my store of nsaid arthritis meds and muscle relaxant in the meantime...dont need this now, just complicating my life no end!

Am working a bit this week, the cash will be welcome over the winter when I will be unable to work and getting my daily cancer treatments.

My prayers and good vibes to all who need help from our circle of friends here. Thanks for including me in your prayers as well.

Judy G.
on 11/4/13 6:00 am - Galion, OH

Its Monday...need I say more????? Just need to be left alone and try to get composed again for tomorrow when my boss brings my new PC...training starts Wednesday for 4 hours straight then next week on every Thursday for 4 hours straight til end of the year...excited?? Not really...not yet...haha

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!  Jennifer extra ones for you!!!



Patricia R.
on 11/4/13 6:56 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Carla and OFF Family,

I was out the door early, and gone all day.  First, I was at the church, babysitting five kids ages 16 months to 6 years.  Pretty energetic bunch, but so much fun.  Then, I went straight to the laundromat, to do my comforter, flannel sheets, and two large loads of clothes and towels.  After that, I had an appointment with my hematologist.  After that, to the store to get some groceries.

Tonight, I intend to do some Christmas shopping online.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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