Saturday in Michigan

Patricia R.
on 11/1/13 5:40 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Family,

Or, should I say good night, because it's 3:30 a.m., and I just got to bed.  I can't wind down, and am too tired to fall asleep.

I had an awesome birthday.  My brain can't go into detail right now on all that we did, but I enjoyed all, except losing Mom and Sis in a huge store, packed with shoppers on a Friday at supper time, the night before the biggest college football game in Michigan, down the street from the campus where the game will be played.  AND, Mom left her phone at Colleen's and Eileen doesn't use the phone she bought and activated over a year ago.  I was pissed. 

Today, I say good-bye to them, and return Eileen's dog to her.  Then, I head over to my church and help Colleen, and her sis-in-laws with last minute details for the baby shower.  I picked up the items for my gift, and got them all on sale.  I love when that happens, because it means I can give more and stay in budget.

After the shower, I have chores here to catch up on, because I was hardly home this week.

Have an awesome day.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Debbie A.
on 11/2/13 1:05 am - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning all!

Been trying to get my mil's quilt ready for her 90th birthday party on Sat.,all the quilters are busy this time of the year so I'm going to have to quilt it my self so wish me luck!! Been fighting a sinus infection for the last two weeks with killer headaches which turns into migraines which hasn't helped on the quilting front. 

I'm only 10 lbs away from my goal weight I never thought I would get this close when I was at 175 I was happy and would of been happy to stay there but alas I've dropped 20 more pounds and I'm down to 155 which is amazing. Don't know how but I'm so very thankful and blessed. When I was over weight I was always hot now I'm so cold...guess I better start buying some warmer clothes. Lol!! Wow the problems you have being on the losers bench!!! My attempt at humor!

Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Judy G.
on 11/2/13 3:01 am - Galion, OH

Debbie CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Being COLD is STILL bothering me even after 7 years out!!!! But I would rather be cold than HOT!!!!!!!!! LOL


Connie D.
on 11/2/13 3:10 am

Good morning Trish and everyone......

Trish....I don't know what you all did for your birthday but it sounds like you had a great time....minus losing you mom and sister....UGH!! Glad you got some good deals for baby gifts...enjoy the party!!

Debbie.....CONGRATS on the weight loss!! You have done a great job!! Hope you get the quilt done. I am sorry you have been so sick with a sinus infection. Hope you feel better soon!

Jennifer.....I am praying the appointment works out for you. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Annette....still keeping you close at heart. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

As for me....hardly any sleep last night. The people in the apartment above Pam's were moving the last couple NIGHTS!! They  have been so loud!! I was up past 2:00 AM both nights. I had to listen to furniture being moved around and things being slammed and dropped. The stairwell is on the other side of our wall too. I was still awake at 4:00 AM. I got a phone call at 9:00 or I would have slept longer. Once Rascal, the cat hears me move around she meows until I feed her. Then I have to refill all four of her water dishes.....don't ask.....she follows me and meows until I do...then I must open the blinds on the patio so she can see out. She eats a bit and then lays down to sleep. Then I am wide AWAKE!!!!  I then look around for places she got sick. She is 21 years old and throws up most every day. Oh the joys...LOL!! I will miss Rascal but I will not miss that or the litter box!!

I don't have much I need to do today. I have a book I want to start reading. I also want  to get out for a walk. The sun is shining brightly. It is only 39 degrees right now. I will wait until it warms up a bit more.

Wishing you all a bright and sunshiny day!!

Prayers for many of our OFF family and friends.

Much love and many hugs.....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/2/13 3:14 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...

Well so much is going on right now and I am so worn out!!! First we had the Halloween party for the tenants...16 people showed up for it...more than I thought would by the way. Good time had by MOST...have a couple of old "biddies" that just are not happy no matter what I do!!!!!!!! Second I hurt especially in my neck area along with my arm in muscle area...BUT not like it was before!!! Getting better dr said and he will see me in another month. Third...Rick's mom called him to let him know his brother has a tumor in his head...very serious she said. I asked more questions and he had no idea. They are calling a specialist dr in on it. Wondering if it is like the one Gary had back in '96?? If so I can help him understand what is going to happen etc. BUT I am not called...soooooo do I step in and ask myself???? Rick's mom has been calling him ALL hours day AND night because she is so worried about Joe. I can understand BUT there is nothing Rick can do....why wake him in the middle of the night??? Fourth...tenant that I am close to is adopting a dog this complex is NOT pet friendly and is being over run by dogs. Corporate said NO MORE DOGS UNLESS THEY ARE CERTIFIED THERAPY DOGS!!!! She knows this yet went right ahead and took this dog!!! NO she did NOT ask first if she could do this!!!!! I am livid!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the same tenant that I have told many times she is NOT a manager here I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!! What more need I do to her????? Letter from corporate????????? Maybe then she will "get it"???????

Weather here is nasty especially the other day and night. Lucky we are all ok here but surrounding areas got hit hard!!!!

Dr bills are coming in left and right now and OMG I am SOOOOOOOO far in debt even with the foundation help!!!!!!! So much for me going home for Christmas this year!!!! Sucks!!!!!! Speaking of Christmas...notice Hallmark channel has the count down to Christmas movies on already????????????

Get my new PC for work sometime next week...yippeeee. So NOT looking forward to this at all...was happy doing all by hand. Oh well...means a SUBSTANTIAL raise for me I was THAT I AM looking forward to!!!!!

So that is about all for me right now. Thinking of you all and hope those that are feeling sick or hurting feel better soon!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!


Connie D.
on 11/2/13 3:35 am

Hello Judy..... wow do you have a bunch going on!

I am sorry to hear about Joe and his tumor. I will pray for him. I agree, it is insane that Rick's mom is calling and waking him up. I know this situation  makes her stressed but she needs to think about what she is doing. Rick works hard and needs his sleep. Good Luck with that! Maybe somewhere down the line you can talk with Joe and help him feel better about the tumor. Right now it is too soon as everyone is just all shook up!!

So sorry about all the medical bills. It is very frustrating I am sure!!

Glad your Halloween party went well even with the "old biddies" there!!

Please be careful with your shoulder and arm. You don't want a relapse!!

As for the tenant with the new dog...I would have corporate contact her. If you let her have the dog you can get in trouble for allowing it and going against the new rule!! Save yourself!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

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