
on 10/29/13 12:33 am - Cibolo, TX

Well, after the longest night of misery and back pain, I was on the phone with my GYN doctor at 9 a.m.  Or the nurse, I should say.  Explained about the lower back pain and could it possibly be related to my reproductive problems?  She asked me what my pain level was (1-10) and I said 8.  She went and asked the doctor and then came back and said, no not likely caused by my ovaries or uterus or any of that.  Go to the hospital.

Hmmm.  Been down that road before and I HATE ER's.  So I call my regular doctor, and the only appointment time they had open was at 9:30 a.m.  It was already 9:15 a.m. and there was no way I could make it.  I insist I have to have an appointment TODAY, so I'm seeing a PA at 1:45 p.m.  I don't think I can drive safely, so I need Chris to take me.  I can't imagine dragging her and the baby to the ER to sit for hours, so I guess I'll wait for my appointment this afternoon. 

In the meantime, I've swallowed innumerable pain pills to absolutely no effect.  Tried heat, tried massage, tried hot bath--nothing makes a dent.  I don't know what the hell this is, but will try to find out today. 

One bright note: had an email from Butch around 3 a.m. saying he was leaving for the airport in a couple of hours, so crossing my fingers that he will be home tomorrow.  Not sure I can drive to the airport to pick him up, but Carrie said she could come down from Waco tonight and go get him for me tomorrow.  Oh, and another bright note:  Carrie has lost 82 pounds!  She is so happy with her decision to have WLS.  She has to give a talk at a symposium next month and she feels so much better about herself these days.  She has her self-confidence back.

I've got to go crawl back under my rock now.  LOL!  I'll let you all know what the doctor, excuse me, the PA says this afternoon. 



on 10/29/13 1:57 am
RNY on 05/07/13

Sorry to hear about the pain.  Hope they can figure out what's going on.   How long does it take Butch to get home? 









on 10/29/13 2:07 am - Cibolo, TX
Diane, it's about 24 hours of travel time including layovers. Flight should get into San Antonio at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. I just have to hang on one more day! Thanks.


H.A.L.A B.
on 10/29/13 3:08 am

Vicky, I am a lurker... But what you describe could be kidney stones..  A lot of pain pills do nothing for that... 

And if this is back problem - spine or muscles - ice packs was the only thing that worked for me. 

Get a large bag of ice, put it on a bed, cover with a light towel, lay on that for 20 min. ( I would put a hot water bottle on the belly. and cover myself with a blanket -somehow that helped with the freezing on the other side)  No longer than 20-25 min, and no less than 20 min ice.  Then 30-40 min allow the temperature to return to normal and repeat the ice for 20 min.    All together 3-4 times of ice... You can move around during the 30-40 min in between. 

I had herniated 2 disks and heat made it better for maybe 30 min but after that - the swelling would get worse and it would hurt like heck. The only thing that really worked for me  - to relieve some of the pressure and pain - was the ice x 3 times... I learn that the hard way... (crying in pain on my bed, bitting pillows, crawling to and from the bathroom...)  

Hope you feel better soon..  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Connie D.
on 10/29/13 5:53 am

Good afternoon Vickie and everyone.... poor lady....I am so sorry you are still in so much pain. I hope they figure out what is wrong and do it quickly. I am glad Butch is coming home. That will be a great relief for both of you. YOU take care of YOU!!! Chris can handle her boy's. I am glad Carrie will be coming to help get Butch. You go crawl under that rock and stay there! Congratulations to Carrie!!!! She is doing awesome!!

I am feeling a little better yet again today. I still don't have much of an appetite but I do manage to get my protein in.  That is good. Pam is here and trying to tackle her bedroom some. She came about 8 PM yesterday.  She isn't staying long but she will do what she can.

Today is my daughter, Carrie's 3rd wedding anniversary. I chatted with her last night. She is my baby. I need to get down there and spend time with her soon. I am missing her!!

I am planning on trying to get my summer clothes packed up. It needs to be taken out to storage. I need to get a few warmer things from out there as well. I am still praying , hoping, dreaming that all goes well and I get that apartment.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Prayers for many here...special prayers for some like Vickie, Annette, Jennifer etc..

Love and many hugs to all....connie d


on 10/29/13 7:05 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas,

Thank you for the kind words.  Wish I could respond to each, but feeling pretty woozy now.  Back from the doctor.  I have severe muscle spasms of the lumbar region.  Took xrays, but spine is okay.  Just muscles.  Gave me a pain killer and muscle relaxer which have definitely kicked in.  Hope I just pass out here in a few minutes and sleep a while.  Carrie will be here tonight.  I can't drive while on this medication.  So she will go get Butch at the airport and then she'll take care of the boys tomorrow night while Chris is at work. 

Ooo, getting very wwoozy.  Gye.


Connie D.
on 10/29/13 10:07 am glad that is all it is and nothing much worse. Although this is plenty bad enough!!

Still keeping you in my prayers. So sorry for your pain. The meds should help a lot!! Get some rest honey!

I will sure be glad when Butch is there. Also when he doesn't have to leave again. You can't do this raising two small children on your own. Your body is rebelling.

Love you much...HUGS....connie d

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