Thursday! What ar

on 10/23/13 8:02 pm - Bradenton, FL

I got woken up to my little dog digging in the covers!!!! This was at 5:15 this morning! I think it's going to be a long day!

I have been thinking that this year has not been good for a lot of people. I have lost three dear friends to Cancer this year. 

Its funny that all three of them Nan, My friend Pam, and my friend Jo, They all came from the midwest. Nan from Michigan, Pam was from New Your/New Jersey, and jo was from Colorado but her roots were in The Chicago area. All were industrial areas. I wonder if being around that environment, air, polution, ect has anything to do with it? 

Cancer is evil and took several family members in my family. Im from the midwest. I had thyroid cancer. Hmmmmm?????Just thinking.....

Talk on.... Ill check back later

Carls.  My heart and thoughts are going out to Nan's family today.

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Connie D.
on 10/24/13 1:17 am

Good morning Carla and everyone..... is scary to think about all the people I know that have been dying of cancer. There has to be something in the environment and the foods we eat.

So sorry for all your losses. We just never know who will be next.

I lost another friend yesterday morning as well. He however had a couple major heart attacks. So much death around us.

I went out and stood in line at the Social Security Office this morning. I was about 8th in there before they opened. The line behind me was so long it was unbelievable. It still took quite a while. All I need was a letter stating what my benefits are. The award letter you get from Social Security every year obviously isn't enough when renting an apartment. I never ran into this before.

I am meeting my sister as I need her to sign some papers that I lived there. We are having lunch together. I am still angry with her for having me move when I was trying so hard to find a place to live. Oh well, I really am glad I did move after all.

Wishing you and everyone a wonderful day.

Prayers for so many OFF friends and families. Special prayers as well.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d



on 10/24/13 2:19 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Connie and all my OFF sistas,

I had a horrible night.  And no, I don't mean with babysitting, although that was tough enough. No, my biggest problem was with TOM.  I swear, if Dr. Reddy hadn't told me to expect it, I would have thought I was hemorrhaging.  In fact, I spent a good portion of the night sitting in the bathtub because that was the only thing that made sense.

(I'm sorry if this is TMI, but it truly was the most god-awful time I have ever had with TOM in all my 56 years.)

Anyway, I am exhausted and cranky this morning.  Going to lie down for a nap in just a minute.  Chris has to leave for work at 1 p.m., so I can just catch a couple of hours. After that, I'll be in for it again with the boys.  Couldn't get much tougher than last night was, but I hope it will get a whole lot better. 

Carla, I think our environment and diet have definitely contributed to the exponential increase in cancer during the past several decades.  Problem is, by the time you're our age, the damage has long since occurred and all we can do is try to live with it.

Connie, crossing my fingers that you and your sister can have a nice lunch together.  Just try and get through it as best you can. Your ordeal is almost over with.  When do you think you might get to move in to your new apartment? 

I love you all, but I'm operating on just a couple hours of sleep right now.  Time to crash! 


Connie D.
on 10/24/13 10:34 am

Vickie.....lunch went well. I was polite and she was too. Talked about our families and the other friend of ours that passed away. Soon I will be done with this!!

I go in tomorrow and fill out paperwork for the apartment. I think everything should be okay. I gathered everything they need. Then they will let me know when I can move in.

Sorry you had such a rough night last night. I pray tonight is better.

Love and lots of hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 10/24/13 4:59 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Carla, Connie, and Vickie, and everyone to follow,

I could have sworn I posted this morning.  I was at Colleen's babysitting this morning, plus doing laundry.  I'll be so grateful when Trent hooks up my washer and dryer.  I still have to head to the laundromat tomorrow to wash my comforter and sheets.

Lincoln stayed home from preschool today.  He's got a cough, so Colleen didn't want to expose him to any other germs.

I hurried home because a woman from church was supposed to come by.  That was 35 minutes ago.  She didn't call either.  I hope she's okay.

I have to bomb the house tomorrow, when I go to the laundromat.I have a spider problem.  They moved out in the Spring, and moved back in last week.  With family coming to town, especially my sister, who has  arachnaphobia big time, might be staying here.  Colleen has offered for both Mom and Sis to stay at her house, so they could see the kids more.  I'm going to leave it up to them if one wants to stay here.  I have a twin Aerobed that looks like a mattress and boxspring together.  It's much easier to get in and out of bed, than an old fashioned Aerobed.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Jo W.
on 10/24/13 7:08 am - Owosso, MI

Hey carla I didnt hang up on you the other day!! my phone went kaput!

Judy G.
on 10/24/13 8:05 am - Galion, OH

Carla, my chiro dr says that we all need to throw out the microwave and stop drinking out of plastic bottles!!!! Use the convection oven and if we buy water in bottles...get it in real glass bottles!!! tap water...omg no!!!!! get a filter...a GOOD one!!!!!!

Sorry for the losses you have had.


Judy G.
on 10/24/13 8:07 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...just a quick stop in...arm is sore and so is my neck today!!

Talked to my mom tonight and she is NOT feeling good again!!! I am so worried that she will not be around much longer...

Supper is ready...boiled dinner...yummmmmmm!!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


PS nice seeing Annette posting again!!! Prayers for you sis!!!


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