Home from China
The trip to and from China was an experience. I will say this: I now understand why my Chinese students do not want to go home.
While there, I walked at least four miles and a day and one day, I walked eight. I only drank water and green tea and I ate very little. My flight was delayed so I am laying over in LA and as soon as I got to the hotel, I asked did they have a scale. They did and I weighed and I have lost twelve pounds in one week and my feet were swollen so it is probably more like fifteen pounds. I asked the woman if the scales were right and she got on them and said, yep. So, while the trip was a total academic, professional, and personal success, I lost weight. Yeah. Now, I know when I get home, there is no way I can walk as much as I did in China because of the hills and humidity and all of that, but I am going to try and maintain the weight loss. It shouldn't be difficult since I don't eat sweets or breads or fatty foods.
While there, I met up with a group of Chinese folks who did yoga every single day in the park across from the hotel and they allowed me to join them so I learned four new moves and they taught me some really nice self massage techniques for ending shoulder and neck tightness.
Well, I better get ready to check out of the hotel and head back to the airport. I think while in China, my eyelashes grew because they are like really long and thick. Today, when I put my jeans on and my cute little shirt, I thought, girl you are way too cute for your age. I know...I'm being a little snot but better to be a snot that a dried up old bully who looks for the one person who he or she thinks everyone will jump on the bandwagon to abuse. I love being nice and kind and helpful to everyone. I hope you guys have a good day and exercise, watch what you eat, and make good choices for both your physical and emotional well being.
I'm off to LAX
Congratulations on your weight loss during your trip. That is fantastic. Walking an average of 5-6 miles a day is awesome. My goal is to get to the point where I can participate in distant walks, like 5 or 10Ks. They have them for fun, or fundraising.
I studied China while teaching Asia at the end of my career. I know there are definitely fascinating tourist areas. Unfortunately, the majority of the country is very poor. I can also understand why the Chinese who come here may not want to return. I hope that overall, your trip was more fun than not.
Welcome home.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Jeanne....Welcome Home....well almost home!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time! You even got to do Yoga and learned some new moves. Then all that walking everyday too!! I wish I knew the exercises you do for your shoulder and neck. I am quite sure they are very helpful.
Glad you made it back to the States and almost home with no problems.
You tiny little gal!!! Good for you!!
Love to you and hugs too....connie d
Welcome home!
What an amazing experience and more to come! Imagine how that opportunity might have never happened had you not had the courage to have the surgery in the first place.
I'm supping ginger tea and trying to get myself prepped for this evening's dinner meeting..I have all my reports (president & Treasurer), both agendas and other lists for discussions ready for both meetings.
An acquaintance of mine has just had an extended "tummy tuck"...and is doing well after one week...she is about ten years younger than me. Oh how I would love to be rid of all this excess skin...when I sit down, I am like a beanbag chair and it's so embarrassing to me. Once I get past this cancer stuff, I wonder if I dare to go thru more surgery and get rid of this,. Logically, it will lessen the burden on my knees which are already bad with osteoarthritis and got my back(already have spurs on the vertebra)...and it would make me feel better about myself. But I will be 66 in March....it's a debate that I muse upon.
I see nothing wrong with being proud of how you have worked so hard and been thru so much with the intent to be healthier and to enjoy more quality of life....good for you!
Nancy B