Good Morning! It's Monday!

on 10/20/13 6:27 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi There,

It's 0416am and I am wide awake and cant sleep! Not much going in but sleep isnt in the cards!

I keep getting congrats calls from relatives from Chicsgo who found out I have become a Grandmother! They keep asking me when Im moving to Chicago?!? I said never!!!!! I have lived there twice and hated it! But I'll go and stay for a bit to see the grand!

Today im going to get Bentley a Halloween costume. He is going to a Chiwauwau Halloween Party with a meetup group on Thursday!!!!!! This should be fun!!!!!

Talk on Ill check back later!


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Patricia R.
on 10/20/13 10:57 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,

I had the opposite reaction when people learned I was moving to Michigan.  Why on earth would I leave a milder climate, and more urban environment, not to mention my home for 51 years, to move to the boondocks of Michigan, with the lake effect subfreezing temps for months on end.  Mainly because the three children I raised no longer lived where I was, and I was missing so much of my grandchildren's lives.  Believe me, I would not endure the wicked winters here if not for those three angels.

I'm getting ready to head to church to watch a bunch of kids so the young moms, including Colleen, can have a Bible study kid free.

I'm posting separately about my knee jerk reaction to a reply about my use of honey.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/21/13 1:05 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Trish and all my OFF sistas!

So, on the subject of moving to be nearer the grands, I have to confess:  I moved, too, and I'm not sorry I did it.  Of course, I didn't have to move across several states, like the rest of you.  I know Maui Karen is struggling with this decision, too.  There are ups and downs to it.  But for me, there was not much of a struggle.  I knew if I didn't move, I would rarely see my grandson.  I don't think I could handle being a "long distance" granny.  I want to be the main granny, not the long distance one.

Just talked to Butch and he is still stuck in Saudi this week, but they HAVE bought him a plane ticket for next week, so cross your fingers, swing chickens, pray, and whatever other good juju you can think of!  In fact, he is actually leaving the rig tomorrow, but they're sending him to Dammam (sp?) to oversee some problems at the warehouse all next week.  So he'll be in a hotel for a week, instead of on the rig, and I'm hoping that's a nice change of pace for him.  And I hope he has wifi there!  Otherwise, I'll go crazy with no daily contact with him for a week.

Sistas, I need your support and prayers this week.  Chris goes back to work on Weds, and I'm just dreading it.  She will work Wed night, Thurs night and Sat night!  She did pull a day shift on Friday, thank God.  Nights are the hardest time for me with the boys.  I can handle the day time much better.  Anyway, I'm nervous and anxious about this first week of solo babysitting.  Hold my hand, please!

Mike will be here tonight, all day tomorrow, tomorrow night and Weds morning.  Sigh.  It really doesn't feel like my house at all these days.  Butch said maybe we could move our house-hunting for the kids up a couple of months.  I said, REALLY?  Because I would kill to have my privacy back again.

Benny is going as Peter Pan this Halloween.  This afternoon, Chris and Mike are taking the boys to the Pumpkin Patch to buy a pumpkin.  That should be a fun outing for them. But we don't yet know if Chris will have Halloween night off from work or not.  If not, Butch and I will take Benny and Reesey to the carnival at the big Baptist church in New Braunfels.  We took Benny there last year, and he loved it.  So did we, because it was safe and contained on one property and geared just right for little ones.  Very simple games and activities and not a lot of really scary stuff.  There's another Fall Festival on Sunday that Chris wants to take the boys to also.  That will be good.  She and Mike can take them both.  And there's some kind of Halloween dress up day at pre-school next week.  Should be a fun time for Benny.

Carla, I have never bought a costume for any of my dogs!  I can't imagine Patty Kate "consenting" to wear one!  LOL!

Well, it's almost time for Chris to leave for her doctor's appointment, so I'd better close now.  Reesey will be waking up soon and ready for a bottle.  He's not too sure what he thinks about bottles yet!  He'd better get used to them soon.  Chris hasn't really pumped me an adequate supply of breast milk yet.  I only have a few frozen bags in the freezer.  I still don't see how this is going to work!  (Shh!  I bought some formula to have on hand for emergencies, but haven't told Chris about it yet.  She's so funny about things, but I have to have something here to feed the baby!!  Don't I?)

Have a great Monday!  Love you all!



Patricia R.
on 10/21/13 2:28 am - Perry, MI

Hi Vickie,

I can totally understand your trepidation abou****ching the boys in the evenings.  I had trouble watching the Munchkins in the evenings.  I sometimes still have trouble, because Lincoln and Izzy usually cry at bedtime.  Their Daddy has been working out of town a lot, and they miss him terribly, especially at night.  Plus, Izzy sometimes gets afraid at night.

I also understand your desire to have your privacy.  I can't imagine finding out my daughter was pregnant so late in the pregnancy, that baby being born soon, and then the Daddy, who you never met, suddenly being an overnight guest in my house.  Major transitions. 

Hopefully, Chris will pump a sufficient amount of milk for Reesey, or wean him to formula.  If she doesn't, you'll have no choice but to use the formula, and that will cut into her milk production altogether.  But, the baby must eat.  I remember having to wean Sean to formula coz I went back to work, and ended up with an abscess.  I hated it.  I never used formula with Colleen and Chris, and hated dealing with the bottles.  But the baby's nutritional needs come first. 



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/21/13 3:13 am - Cibolo, TX

Thanks, Trish!  I appreciate the understanding.  I just went through a very fussy hour with Reesey.  He doesn't really like the bottle (even though it is breast milk) and he fussed quite a bit.  Took a while to calm him down and then he finally fell asleep.  So, okay.  I can handle a fussy baby for an hour if that's all I have to do.  But throw in a fussy toddler with it, and I'm not sure my coping skills are up to it!!!  Ai-ai-yi!  Well, we shall see, hmmm? 

You know, I've always heard that about local honey, but I've never had much problems with allergies until this year.  I do know you have suffered horribly with them, though.  Hope it works for you.  So far, I just take a decongestant every now and then when I need some relief.

Today I put together the port-a-crib!  Yay me!  It was all in pieces from when we stored it after Benny outgrew it and for some damn reason, the instructions weren't with it!  Oy vey!  I finally got it though.  I want to try using it with Reesey because it has a vibrating feature that I think will help him to fall asleep.  That baby likes motion.  Never mattered much to Benny, but Reesey enjoys walking and swinging and bouncing, etc.  Plus I could move him around into whatever room I needed to be in and that would surely help.  Chris has a sling that she likes to use, but my shoulder can't stand the pressure of a sling.  This is going to be an interesting week for sure!

      (This is me going cuckoo!  LOL!)


Patricia R.
on 10/21/13 3:47 am - Perry, MI

Oh my, Vickie.  I hope Reesey adjusts to the bottle for you soon.  Frankie never took a bottle for Trent, me, or anyone else.  Fortunately, Colleen stayed home everyday.  She nursed him till he was around 15 months old.  She used a special kind of sippee cup for juice and water.  Turns out, he refuses to drink any kind of milk, and she's tried them all.  He eats yogurt, cheese sticks, and Colleen buys orange juice with calcium.  Doctor told her he gets plenty of calcium in his diet, and not to worry about it.  I agree.

Good luck.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/21/13 2:37 am - Danforth, ME
Good morning Carla and OFF-

Day one of travel went well. Today is PCP day.

Carla- having traveled to Chicago on business during several wicked snow storms I wouldn't move back there, grandchildren or not.

Vickie- you'll be fine with the babies. You've survived the worst and carrying for two will be a breeze. Good idea on the formula.

Trish- glad to hear the honey is working for u. I have a friend who almost died on allergy shots. Suddenly went into anaphylaxis and after three epi pens they transported him to Er. Everybody needs a custom solution and not all shoes fit the same.

Well, that's all ladies. Trying to be mindful but struggling with the travel thing. Working on it.

Positive thoughts to all in need.

on 10/21/13 3:04 am - Cibolo, TX

Safe travels today Cindi!  Thinking about you!


Connie D.
on 10/21/13 11:38 am

Cindi....I didn't mean to forget you....sorry!

I am glad day one of your travels went well. I will be keeping you in my prayers for your Journey!!

Love and hugs to you....connie d

Connie D.
on 10/21/13 11:35 am

Good evening Carla and everyone.....

I have had a busy day today. I took Kyleigh back to Minneapolis this afternoon. Pam went with. We stopped for lunch. Then we stopped at a couple of my favorite stores. I did pick up a couple of winter tops. They were on sale for $9 each. I got a tank top for $2. I got a few other odds and ends like bathroom products and such. I started hurting and came home after that. I watched "Bones" and here I am.

I hope to have an early bedtime tonight. Kyleigh has been here since Wednesday. She is wonderful, but we always end up staying up too late. We did have a good time!!

I am still praying I get the call for the apartment this week. She wasn't sure when she would be calling. She just said one day this week!! a pic of Bentley in his cute!! will do great with Benny and Reese. I am right there in your pocket sweetie!! Lots of prayers and hugs on the way!! Please post pics of the boys in their costumes!!

Tri**** sounds like you have been having fun with your grandchildren! You are always so busy!

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening!  Prayers for those in need.

Love and hugs to all...connie d

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