Tuesday in Michigan
Good Morning OFF Family,
Well, true confessions first. I did not get out to walk yesterday. I had some sort of bug when I planned to go, with a 100 degree fever from the early afternoon through bedtime. I'll get out earlier today. Still want to make the goal of 30 minutes.
I have tidying to do, plus need to finish my Bible study. This afternoon, I have the boys for an hour. Then, tonight I attend my Bible study at church. I love this study, and the ladies in it.
I appreciate hearing from Cindi, Vickie, Eileen and Connie yesterday. I dearly love everyone here.
Prayers for those suffering loss, and fighting health issues. I'd appreciate prayer. Seven years ago today, my baby brother, Neil, died at the age of 40. He died of a pulmonary embolism. Mom will always struggle with the fact that both her sons died young.
Albert Schweitzer

Morning all!,
Trish, so sorry for your lost, I lost a sister 9 years ago to cancer and have never gotten over it. Prayers coming your way.
Well this is my second week in Carmel, Ca. helping my girlfriend since her second surgery. She is doing much better and I'll be going home on Friday. I miss my family!
Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,
I'll pray for you about the loss of your sister.
I don't know if I ever told you, but when I was first married, we lived in Monterey, California, just off the Presidio. My husband was stationed there studying German, during the Cold War. We lived there from May of 1976 till February of 1977. My first baby, Colleen, was born at Ft. Ord in July. Carmel was always one of my favorite places. I'd like to go back and visit there someday. Colleen hasn't been back there at all. Something else for my Bucket List.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/22/13 10:55 am
Deb, I am lurker but had to comment on Carmel. it is one of my favorite places. I have a daughter in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, It is near San Diego. It is a beautiful area, too. I live in Georgia--2400 miles from my only daughter. I keep wanting her to come home, but i do not think it will happen. I really do not want to move to CA, but it might happen some day. Just wanted to comment on Carmel and wish you well.
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish .....I will be saying special prayers for you today. So sorry about the loss of your brother. They say time heals all wounds. I don't feel that is always correct.
Debbie....prayers for you today as well. So sorry for the loss of your sister. Like I said to Tricia some losses are just harder to heal then others.
Carla.....hope you get to the Apple store and get everything working right again. I hate having computer and such issues. I bet you are really missing that granddaughter....she is so precious!!
As for me.....I did sleep in today. I was worn out form the week with my granddaughter. I cook so much more when she is here. I make so many of her favorite things. She loves it and appreciates taking things home to stock her freezer. She is so good to me I love doing it for her!!
I have to take my blankets and sheets to a laundromat today then back out to storage. We had the couch cleaned off so she had a place to sleep. I always use my own bedding when she is here. I also noticed when I came home yesterday I have a burned out headlight. Off to the shop to have it replaced!! I also need to go to the drug store to stock up on Boost. It is on sale right now. I have such an exciting life!!! Still praying I get that apartment call this week!!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Prayers for many of our OFF friends and families.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Hi all my sistas!
I'm late posting today. Had to go to the doctor this morning, and then to fill the car up, wa**** and the grocery store. Oh and pick up Benny at preschool. I'm bushed!
So the GYN said that the biopsy of the tissue sample she took from my uterine lining was completely normal. No cancer cells. It did show an imbalance of my hormones--no surprise there. Anyway, the hysterectomy is definitely on for December, but they are still waiting for the hospital to schedule Dr. Reddy's time on the da Vinci robot, so I don't have a surgery date yet. It's okay. They know I want the first week in December.
Benny and Mike are on the back porch carving the pumpkin this afternoon. Oh, they are having such fun. Benny is laughing and squealing over pulling the "guts" out of the pumpkin. He's a pretty cute lil guy!
I'm making tacos, guacamole, and cheesy rice for our supper. Wish I could invite you all to join us! We could have a pumpkin carving party!
I have to echo what Trish said above: I dearly love each and every one of you! Trish and Debbie, I'm sorry you're dealing with losses. I know the hurt is always there. But I'm glad you each have good and happy things in your lives, too. Carla, I hope you get your technical stuff fixed. Connie, I hope you get to rest and I really hope you hear about your apartment soon! Has anyone talked to Judy? I wonder how her mother is doing?
I need to close now. Time to change clothes and tackle some of the chores around here. It's such a lovely afternoon. I wish you all could experience this glorious fall weather.
Love you all!
Hello Vickie....oh how I wish I could come for a pumpkin carving party!! Your dinner sounds yummy too!!
So glad your samples were normal...that is good news!!
So glad Benny got to have fun carving pumpkins...hope you got some pictures!!
I went to get my mail, then got gas in my car, went to the drug store and stocked up on Boost, then went to get a headlight in my car, stopped and had lunch, got home and did two loads of laundry, took a shower....now I am worn out and going to bed EARLY!!
Have a great evening Vickie.
Love you....HUGS.....connie d