Friday.....what's up?
Vickie....sorry your mom doesn't like that apartment after all. I pray something turns up soon.
Time to give Mike a nudge...only a couple days there or he can pay rent!! I sure hope they don't have another baby right away!!! They should learn what causes it by now!!
Set a time limit as to when your bathroom is open to them. After that no one is allowed no mater what. Time for a lock inside the bedroom door. Keep a radio playing soft music and drown out the noise. YOU need your own time!! Chris must be able to take care of the babies herself now. Mike certainly needs to help when he is there. I constantly keep you in my prayers!
Love and hugs....connie d
Sending you a big warm hug and thanking you for all your positive shares over the years.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Aloha Maui Karen.....always a blessing to see your post!!
I am so praying that this works out with the apartment. I need a place of my own so badly!
I miss my bed most of all. I have a wonderful bed!! It is just awesome and so comfy!! I have been sleeping in a recliner for 5 months. I am very grateful to Pam. I want to be in my own place with all my things around me!!
I believe as we get older we especially need out privacy!!! So you have decided to not move to Santa Cruz? What ever you decide is the right thing for you!
Love you much....huge hugs....connie d
Good Evening Connie and OFF,
I've had a busy day here. I had an appointment with a nurse at my hematologist's office. Then, I stopped at the grocery store. I then got to play with Franklin for a couple of hours. His Daddy came home and was working on the yard with the tractor, so he took Frankie out on it, and then I brought the little bike he likes to ride outside. When Colleen came home, I went to a meat sale at the IGA in town here. As soon as I got home, I finished putting the tulip bulbs in the ground. I'm hoping they all come up and bloom. I chose 30 of a multicolor set of tulips. I chose two packages of three colors of bulbs. I'm so looking forward to seeing them all in bloom. If they all bloom, it'll be spectacular.
Now, I'm waiting for dinner to finish cooking.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

I love tulips! They won't grow properly here in South Texas, but I did have some limited success with them in East Texas. I love tulips, daffodils and hyacinths! I love all spring flowers, but will have to content myself with pansies and snapdragons this year, which will actually winter over quite nicely here. I'm just about ready to plant them now. They will bloom all fall, winter and spring.
I'm sure your garden will be a showpiece the whole neighborhood will enjoy!
What's for supper? I'm making chicken and cornbread dressing, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. We had a little cool front blow through and it put us all in the mood for "fall" cooking!
Love you! Kiss all those babies for me!
Hi Vickie,
I made barbecue country style ribs and homemade scalloped potatoes. I'm trying to steer clear of the box potato mixes, coz of all the additives.
Hope your chicken tasted yummy.
Albert Schweitzer