
Friday.....what's up?

Judy G.
on 10/18/13 6:48 am - Galion, OH

Connie I am PRAYING for you to get that apartment SOON!!!!!!! You ARE close now my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!

Was checking out FB posts and I came across the local hardware's pot and it was to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUH?????? Yeah to ME!!!!!!! I read the message and called Rick ASAP and told him he was to go to the hardware right NOW and get something for me from them!!! He said oh yeah!!!!!! HUH?????? So off he went and soon was back home with a large box in his hands....what is it I asked...he said come inside and you can look. OK...had Bandit out for potty walk....came inside and opened the box up...COOKIES!!!!!!! About a dozen Halloween cookies form the people that own the hardware....they get these fantastic cookies all the time and I keep teasing them that I want one....LOL so they finally gave me some!!! OMG!!! They are GOOD!!!!!!!!! Going to have to hide them so I am not eating them fast!!!!!!!!! So nice of them to think of me....lol like I really need them huh???!!!! Rick is helping me eat them...he is on his second one already!!! And they are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!

Mom is still in hospital. She is bleeding inside AGAIN...and has diverticulitis (sp) and can't eat nuts or seeds anymore. Her hemoglobin is also low...AGAIN!!! Thankyou to ALL that are keeping her in your thoughts and Prayers!!!!

OK Bandit needs to go back walking...has to poop I guess...best do that before the rain hits...haha!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Karen S.
on 10/18/13 7:29 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha sweet friend........I always worry about you but also am amazed by your strength in getting through trial after trial.

My sweet neighbor had a diverticulitus.........and she came through it just fine. Hopefully your mom will too. I can't remember what the treatment was, but I think it had to do with diet and lots of liquids.

Hoping always that you get through each day with some joy, some fun.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Judy G.
on 10/18/13 8:18 am - Galion, OH

Thankyou Karen!! I am sure my mom will make it through also as she is VERY strong and a hell of a fighter!!!

My ex-MIL also had this diverticulitus and she is doing fine also....Just no more nuts and seeds in he food she eats...:-(

Love you!!


Connie D.
on 10/18/13 1:33 pm

Judy....thanks for the prayers!! I so hope this all works out. I want to sleep in MY bed...well as of now any bed would do!!!

COOKIES....they must love you at that place!!

Sorry your mom is still in the hospital. Sending prayers for her now.

Love and hugs.....connied

Judy G.
on 10/18/13 10:54 pm - Galion, OH

Thankyou Connie for the prayers for my mom. Will be calling her soon and see how she is doing.

COOKIES!!! OMG they are so GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I had to hide them so I wouldn't be tempted to eat them ALL!!!!!! I am thinking they gave me the cookies because I am always "liking" their posts on FB all the time and when they post cookies and other foods I always make a comment to save me one...LOL But the people that own this hardware are VERY nice!!!!!!!! Small town nice people...since we moved here I think we came across only 2 that were not so nice.

I can see you in YOUR bed SOON Connie!!! Keep the faith and it will happen before you know it!!! ;-)


on 10/18/13 7:12 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Connie, praise the Lord!  It is going to happen for you soon.  I just know it.  Geez, if all it took was for Pam to put you on her lease, y'all could have done that weeks and weeks ago!  LOL!

So glad you had a good time with Kyleigh and Lucas.  Precious grandchildren!  Where would we be without them?

Praying for quick results for you, sweetie!  Hang in there!


Connie D.
on 10/18/13 1:42 pm

Vickie....I am so excited...please let this go through!!

I didn't want to have to change my mailing address twice so I kept it there at my sister's as long as I could. I agree....if it was just the lease that did it we should have long ago!! LOL!!!

It was fun with the grandkids yesterday. I plan on taking Kyleigh home on Sunday or Monday depending on how I am feeling. Kyleigh and I made lasagna tonight. I put it in containers for her to take home. She did eat some of course!! Tomorrow she wants me to make Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo. She will have some tomorrow evening and will be taking the rest home. I like to stock up her freezer with home made dishes. She really appreciates it!!

Love you...hugs....connie d


on 10/18/13 7:18 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi sistas!

Have about 5 minutes left before I have to leave for my haircut, but I don't have much to say, so that should be plenty!  Ha!

Took Mom to look at these new apartments.  I thought they were beautiful and just what she has been saying she wants, but she got all upset when she realized there aren't any heaters in the bathrooms.  That ended that.  The manager said they could put in a "modification" request for her to have a bathroom heater, but I know my mom.  She'll have a sour taste in her mouth now and she'll write them off her list.

(The list, btw, is getting shorter and shorter every day.  SOOOO picky!)

Had Mike out for dinner last night, and he's coming back to spend the night tonight, too.  Sigh.  There are just too many people in this house.  I'm starting to get pretty antsy about it all.  Oh, how I long for the day when it is just Butch and me and our little Patty Kate living all by our lonesomes again.  I have NO privacy here anymore.  People are constantly coming and going in and out of my room to get to the master bathroom (which has the only bathtub), and I get interrupted sleep all night long.  Not to mention babies crying and little boys have nightmares about monsters, etc.  Whew!  I'm sorry to complain, because I love them all dearly, but I need my own space back again!

Gotta run now.  I'll check back later this evening.  Judy, praying for your mom.  Forgot to say that earlier.

Love you all!


Karen S.
on 10/18/13 7:48 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Vickie....I read your posts every day and have such mixed feelings....you love and take such good care of your grandbabies, AND you have NO time for yourself it seems. I used to long for a daughter, because I have two sons, so I have no demands for total babysitting like you do. The psychologist in me says please draw some boundaries because these are your grandchildren, NOT your children. I for sure cannot understand your point of view, but I sure do hear your happiness and relief when you get a few days off with Butch or others.

My kids live in Santa Cruz and want me to come and live there........and be available for babysitting my 3 little grandsons....5, 7 and 9. Part of me wants to do that, and another part is very wary that I will be babysitting full time, and I do not want that to happen. Vickie, do you want to be 24 hour babysitter?

I will keep all of you struggling with challenges of all kinds, and wish I had a magic wand to make the problems go away. Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings......just can't help saying what I see and feel because you are all so wonderful.


on 10/18/13 9:36 am - Cibolo, TX

Aloha sweet Karen! 

No, I definitely do not want to be a 24 hour babysitter, but we do what we have to do.  Right now, if I wasn't taking care of my grandsons (and their mother), they would be in dire straights.  But we do have a plan for moving the kids out of here after the 1st of the year.  I just have to hang on awhile longer. 

Would you have to live with your son and his family if you moved?  Or would you have your own place?  That's a big part of our problem--we are all living here in the same house together.  It just kind of naturally follows that I am here 24 hours a day and so I babysit 24 hours a day. 

But after we get the kids moved out into a home of their own, then not only will I have the privacy of my own house back, but Chris and Mike will have to learn to depend on each other (and NOT ME!) to take care of their family.  It will happen.  I just have to be patient.

In the meantime, I have the joy of loving and seeing my grandchildren on a daily basis.  And I know that I have truly helped them to have financial security and a loving home environment, which they would not have had otherwise.  It hasn't been easy at times, but it has been worth it!


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