Glorious Saturday
Good Morning Family,
What a gorgeous Saturday we're blessed with here in Mid-Michigan.
Was at Lincoln's soccer game first thing. Usually, I'm the only grandparent there. Today his paternal grandparents brought his two cousins, plus, one of his cousins who is on his team had his maternal grandparents there. Big day.
I came home, loaded the dishwasher, and am just taking a break before I head to the laundromat to finish laundry. Yesterday, I did a blanket and comforter. Today, it's another set of bedding, and my clothes. Primary goal, get rid of the dog hair. I'm also going to bomb the house. Ever since I moved in, I've had spiders. I don't have a problem with them, but my sister freaks when she sees them. Arachnaphobia is her middle name.
I also need to plant some bulbs, because I don't know how many more gorgeous days are left before the temps plummet till April.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and all my OFF sistas!
It's travel time again! I'll be leaving for Nacogdoches in just a few more minutes. However, this time I'm actually looking FORWARD to six hours of SOLITUDE in the car. I have a great audio book to listen to, and I won't have to deal with crying babies or crying toddlers. Sounds like a little bit of heaven to me! LOL!
Mom and I will come back here to the lake tomorrow. Now THAT particular 6 hours I'm not so looking forward to. Mom won't allow us to listen to music or audio books or anything because the "noise" bothers her. And she's hard to converse with in the car because she can't hear. But she's my mom and I love her, so we will endure.
Anyway, will read posts from my phone this evening. I hope everyone has a good day and good weekend planned. I love you all!
Grocery shop today and laundry, and tonight made my Mother's canned frozen lobster casserole with full fat cream to take to elderly friends not in good health tomorrow with wines, cheeses and baguette, other friend bringing salad and apple crumble dessert, enough so we can leave our friends with plenty leftovers for more meals. It is our Thanksgiving but we didnt want to do turkey as wife is vegetarian but will eat lobster.
Glorious weather to continue, wish this would last until next March...although gueese are leaving by the hundreds
Lovely day here! I have been doing good with my eating plan this last week after Bill started doing a little better. I was able to get the gain off from the hospital and a couple more pounds.
We went with the DD & family to a Japanese steak house. My meal will last 4/5 meals but it is high in carbs and sodium. I hope not to gain this week. Carbs are my devil.