Is it Wednesday??? I CRS!
Good morning sistas!
I had to sit here and think really hard before I could remember what day of the week it is! That's just pitiful, isn't it? My poor brain has gone on furlough, I think.
Sorry I never did get back on and post about my doctor visit yesterday. I had a hella headache all afternoon and still have it this morning, although it's getting better the longer I am up. I think it is sinus.
So, I told Dr. Reddy that I definitely wanted the hysterectomy and she was just fine with that decision. The only thing we have to do now is figure out how to make it happen in December. I really don't want Butch to have to postpone his bunion surgery if at all possible. We both are trying to get everything in before the end of the year because 1) we are all paid up with our deductible and 2) our insurance will be changing drastically after the first of the year. And so, we begin the logistics dance!
I gave her three possible surgery dates for December. She has to coordinate with the hospital and with the other surgeon. The hospital in San Marcos has invested in the da Vinci robotic surgery system, and is currently training area surgeons how to use it. Dr. Reddy will be training on it in November and December with another surgeon who has already learned how to use it, so there's a lot of people to pull together. We'll see . . .
I did learn the results of my menopause test. She said that an FSH level of 40 and above indicates that a woman is in menopause. My level was 23! And I'm 56 years old! Something is definitely out of whack with my system. She also did the procedure to collect a bit of tissue from my uterine lining to check for abnormal (cancer) cells. Ouchy! I knew I was in trouble when they offered me pain medication before my appointment began. Anyway, I go back again in two weeks.
And my sweet husband finally got to call me yesterday, although he had to stay up past midnight (his time) in order to do so. As I thought, he's very supportive of my decision, and wanted me to have the surgery right away while he's home this time. And I could do that if I opted for the traditional open surgery. But I would rather wait for the robotic surgery. The recovery time is so much less with the robotic. Not to mention the pain level and scarring, etc. But he's very sweet and very loving and I really do miss him. Just one more week to go.
I am hiding out in my room this morning. Mike spent the night last night and I'm waiting for them all to shower and dress and get gone before I come out to face the day. Today I simply MUST tackle this filthy house! Between me being gone all weekend and then not feeling well on Monday or Tuesday, this place is a pig sty. Piles of dirty dishes and dirty clothes and a very dirty floor! (What? Chris can't turn on the Roomba??? It does the sweeping up for you!) Anyway, it's driving me crazy and I won't be able to relax until I get it clean around here again.
I've read all the posts, but I'm too bumfuddled this morning to remember any of the particulars. But you know I love you all!
Oh crap, crap, crap! Butch just called. He is not coming home next week. He cannot even get out of Saudi right now. The office screwed up his exit visa and until they fix it, he is STUCK over there. They are working on it, but next week is some national Muslim holiday and the whole friggin' country shuts down for the week. (And when they shut down, they shut down! Nothing is open and nobody works!) So we're looking at at least 2 more weeks before he can come home.
I've already cried, but that does no good. Like Butch said, he can't even get mad and just quit over it. He truly can't leave the country until they fix the problem. In Saudi, you can't just fly in and out of the country using your passport. You also have to have the proper Saudi documentation to enter and exit the country. Without it, you are just plain STUCK.
****! There, that is my rant for the day. I've just got to suck it up and deal with the situation as it is. Thanks for listening to me ***** and moan about it. This too shall pass. Eventually.
Oh Vickie I feel for u! I didn't know countries even did that! If u need some help let me know, Ill come to your rescue!!!!
Sorry for the delay, mom brought me ms Lavinia to feed!!!!! got to feed a crying baby!!!!!!!!
This baby wants to feed every two and a half hrs like clock work!!!!! Wont breast feed but will eat pumped milk!!!!!
Thanks, Carla! The Middle East is the most screwed up place in the entire world, with the possible exception of Africa. Each country over there makes up its own rules and they are absolutely FANATICAL about their religious holidays. He isn't getting out anytime soon, and that's a fact. We've seen this happen occasionally to other people, but it's never happened to him before. I'm really bummed about it, but there's absolutely nothing to do but wait it out.
Baby Lavinia won't breast feed? I guess you've had the nursing specialist at the hospital try to help y'all out? Sometimes they can suggest good or new things to try to get the baby to latch on. Be worth a shot, huh?
Sorry for your problems, Vickie. I couldn't help you clean, either, but I could turn on Roomba. I need to clean here, but my back is hurting too. I woke up with a headache. No rain due til Sunday. Headache is gone but still feel crappy. At least I slept last night. Dozed off and on in my chair, then finally went to bed about 9 p.m., snoozed in bed watching the ballgame trying to read. I really need to sleep! Slept til 10 this morning when I got up with a headache. I wanted to go to see "Gravity" but decided seeing a movie in 3D with a headache wasn't a good idea. So I'll wait until next week. Still a little sleepy. Headaches will do that to me.
Sorry to hear about Butch being stuck in Saudi. My brother used to have to travel to the Mideast on business (he worked for Underwriters Laboratories and did some work on oil pipelines and such). He always hated going over there, although he did get to see a lot of the historical stuff in Egypt, which he enjoyed.
As for the headache you have, if it's sinus, try taking a good hot shower, stick your head under the shower, then when you get out, rub Vicks on your forehead and on the areas around your nose. Works well for me when I have a sinus headache. Vicks is a miracle cure.
I think I'm probably not doing a lot today, maybe a run to the store. Wanted to go to the local fall festival, but probably good that I don't because it's all food that's bad for me anyway. Had a coffee protein shake (homemade ... almond mil**** vanilla protein, 1 tbsp. of instant coffee, some sf kahlua syrup and some sf caramel syrup, blend in blender ... yum!).
Well, have a good day everyone.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Yeah, I did a good deed today; took my boss to get some Diet Pepsi (his caffeine choice ... he still doesn't have a car and I knew he was out). I was driving home after dropping him off at work and heard my phone ring, so I pulled off onto a side street (I was about half mile from work) and listened to the voicemail (knew it was my boss ... though maybe he left his sandwiches in the car again ... he did that the last time). Nope, the second in command who does the scheduling forgot to schedule someone for sports, so he offered me some overtime. Well, at least I wasn't too far off.
I was feeling OK at that point, and so far it's been a quiet night. I'm just waiting on stories to come in (three local and then the baseball game). And I will have a nice paycheck next week.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Good Afternoon everyone,
I'm still acclimating myself to my new laptop. This Windows 8 is a trip. I really need to read a users manual.
Got another sinus infection. Allergist said I'm allergic to all weeds, except ragweed; all trees, especially birch and walnut, and cut grass, for outdoor allergies. Indoors it's dust mites, dog dander, and mold. I need to get a hepa filter for my living and bedrooms.
Today, I bought mums for my front step, and tulip bulbs, to plant now, and look forward to all winter.
Albert Schweitzer

Gracious, Trish! That's a lot of allergies. No wonder you have been feeling so lousy. Can they give you allergy shots to help you?
Glad you got your new computer up and running. I still have Windows Vista. I always dread having to "move up" to a new operating system. I hang on to the old one as long as possible each time!
Biopsy news not is "positive" so I have breast cancer, it is official.
Am being referred to an oncology surgeon assigned to me by Women's Breast Health ( "cancer" euphemism) Centre, and will find out about chemo or radiation and what kind of surgery , and when. And how long I will be out of circulation.
Please swing chickens, say prayers, and send good vibes, I will need all the prayers and healing I can get.
Will keep you posted