What's Happening Saturday?

Judy G.
on 9/27/13 10:56 pm - Galion, OH

Getting my coffee warmed up be right back...

Judy G.
on 9/27/13 11:14 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family...thought I would start the daily thread today haha...

Not much happening here except the OCTOBERFEST uptown along with all sorts of trouble makers there! WTH happened to going there to have fun?? One group of kids had those popper firecrackers that you toss on the ground and they pop...well the ones they had popped REALLY LOUD!!!!! Anyhow they were all over tossing them and creating problems...one woman wa**** with one and she called the police. Police found the group and took them to the mother so she could "handle" them. Next thing is they are back at it again!!! Police were looking for them and since they KNOW who they are had no trouble catching up to them after they took off to hide...Not sure what happened to them but I hope they took them in!!!!! Police were all over last night at this festival and VERY busy!! We were there long enough to get some food and came back home. I had enough of those punks!! Got my Indian bread and boy was it good!!!! Rick got some deep fried cheese curds with japelenos. Those were also good!! Not sure what we will go back today for...so many good foods there it is hard to choose!!! LOL I know these foods are not good but this only happens once a year here.

Cleaning our apartment up and placed the new fireplace in front of the AC. Turned it on to see how it looked...AWESOME!!! Ready for the cooler weather now so we can have this on at night. In a couple weeks Rick's mom and aunt are coming for the day and they will have the baby ****atiel for Rick. Excited to get this bird. We will be teaching it to talk and hopefully it will!!

Had bingo for the tenants yesterday and had 12 show up. Nice group and it keeps getting bigger. We have a lot of fun playing and chatting. Planning on a Halloween party for them on Halloween. I am looking for a witches hat so I can dress up also. I have a long black nightgown and robe that I will use for the outfit. Some here say I am a witch and so I am going to dress up as one for a joke...see how they respond to that. Haha

Have to go shopping today for a few things. A new dog leash for one thing. Had Bandit out last night and his leash broke...the spring snapped I guess as the rope came all undone!! He is used to a long leash line and now we have to use the 6 foot one. Not good on my arm as he pulls hard at times.

So that is my news for today. Arm is sore yet but not as bad. Hopefully it will be all better soon!! I can only wish!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Cindy P.
on 9/27/13 11:54 pm

Good morning, Judy, and all to follow. 

I'm sitting here this morning waiting for the huge storm to hit.  Flooding and tree damage predicted.  (ugh)

Hubby had last drain removed yesterday.  He said it was so painful that he almost passed out twice.  I can't imagine that the doctor wouldn't give him something for the pain.  The whole thing makes me angry.

Judy, the OCTOBERFEST foods sound good.  We rarely go to big gatherings because neither of us likes crowds.

I've been doing the old lurking thing again.  I apologize because I had made a commitment to everyone here and to myself that I was going to actively participate.  I gave into the depression that has settled in and reverted  back to old habits.  Sorry.

Congratulations to Carla and family on new little Lavina!

Glad to see that Eileen is feeling better.  Hoping that Connie's hip pain goes away.

I was so sorry to read about Nan's Morgan.  I can't imagine how painful the loss of a precious grandchild would be. 

Prayers for Nan and her family and for others too. 

Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 9/28/13 12:07 am - Galion, OH

Cindy I hope that storm is not bad like they say...be safe!!

I know what your hubby meant when he said that drain coming out hurt!!! When I had my hernia surgery they left the feeding tube in "just in case" I needed it later on...when dr took it out it felt like there was ten foot of it in me!!! OMG!!!!!!!!

Don't have to apologize for lurking...there are days I also lurk and not post. Just a blah day when I do that.


Cindy P.
on 9/28/13 12:23 am

Judy, thanks for the kind words re lurking.  It's funny, but I feel so connected to everyone here from reading posts every day.  I know that this forum exists only because people do post.  My heart's desire is to be part of that but lately I have just sat back and lurked. 

I hope the storms aren't as bad as predicted too.  High winds are scary.  We've lived here on the coast since 2003 so I should be used to it but I'm not.  I do love it here and we'll be OK -- but I admit I will be glad when the storms have passed. 

Does Bandit hate the wet weather?  Our dog doesn't like to get wet.  His fur isn't thick and the water goes right to his skin.  (Poor little guy.)  We got him a raincoat and that does help.  I'm not much for clothing for pets but I couldn't stand watching him suffer as the cold rain went right to his skin.  OK -- I do baby him -- ha ha.

HUGSSSSSSSS back at you!


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 9/28/13 3:48 am

Good morning Judy and everyone....

Judy....nice to see you start the thread today!! I would love to be there for Octoberfest. That is always so much fun!! Enjoy and eat what you want. Like you said it is only once a year. Sorry about the punks....they just have to ruin things for others...little brats!! Glad you like your fireplace....I am sure it looks great! I wish I lived near....I have at least three different witches hats. I always buy extra things at the end of Halloween. I have several costumes. Someone always needs something!! I usually dress up every year on Halloween. Always so many parties to go to. I haven't in a couple now. Just don't go out anymore. Be careful when walking Bandit. You don't want that shoulder getting worse again!!

Cindy....So glad they removed your hubby's drain. I remember how painful that was. They never give you anything. They just tell you to take a deep breath. Of course it attaches to things and tearing it out hurts like hell!! I think doctors and nurses should have to go through some of these procedures. Then they will understand how it really feels! You lurk all you want. Right now that is how I am feeling. I just remind myself how good this board is for me and post anyway. Everyone is different. Take the time you need. We will be here for you!!   Take good care of you!!!

Vickie....I am thinking of Morgan's family and especially Nan today. It hurts my heart to know Nan can't be there. That must be so terribly sad for her. Many prayers on the way for the whole family.  So glad your shoulder is a bit better today!! Love on those sweet little boys for me. That pic of Chris and the boys was just so cute!! What a treasure!! I agree with you about the rental  property. That will help all of you. I can't wait to hear of your adventures as you and Butch travel! I know how much you are missing him.

Debbie....Your friend needs you as much as you need her. You are doing a wonderful thing being with her and also for her husband. You are a true friend! Still keeping her in my prayers...you too!!

As for me....like I said to Vickie I am so sad for Nan/Morgan's family.    

A lot of things going through my mind. I need to take time and do some thinking. I will read as I can. It is another dark and rainy day. I did a lot yesterday. I got all my errands run. My leg and hip are so much better. Thank you God. Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers too!!

Have a good day! Prayers for those in need....special prayers as well.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d




on 9/28/13 12:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Judy, Cindy P. and all my OFF sistas!

Judy, never a dull moment where you live!  Between the druggies, the grumpies, and the punks, you catch it all!  I think of you and Rick as an island of sanity amid all the madness sometimes. 

Cindy P., don't worry about the lurking.  We all have days when we don't feel like we have much to say.  The value of this forum is that we can discuss the mundane along with the silly and the serious.  I just love all our sistas for sharing their lives with us here.  I feel such a connection to you all! 

And speaking of the serious, many prayers for Nan and her family today as they go through Morgan's funeral today.  Thinking of all of them.  My heart breaks.

So, I'm happy to report that the shoulder is better today.  I did my best to keep it still yesterday and it helped.  I have a better range of motion today.  Not complete, but better. 

Missing my husband terribly right now.  Sigh.  Still two and a half weeks until he comes home.  I miss him.

Tonight brings the invasion of the baby daddy again!  Oh, I'm being ugly, but I can't help it.  Mike will spend the night and all day tomorrow and possibly tomorrow night again.  I know I should be glad that THIS baby daddy is interested in being part of his son's life--and I am--I'm just tired of having my home invaded every weekend.  It's very uncomfortable for me, you know?

But not too much longer.  We will do our best to get these kids moved out into a rent house after the first of the year.  Already looking at the real estate market and seeing what might be available.  Butch and I have decided to invest in a rental property in New Braunfels and let Chris and the boys (and Mike) live there at a very reduced rent.  Not interested in making a profit off of them!  Just want our own house and our lives back!!!

And then we want to go travelling.  Oh, I am so looking forward to that!  Butch will be retired, the kids will hopefully be settled in a place of their own, and WE WILL BE FREE!!!  Yippee!  We want to take a year and travel all over the U.S.  So many places I want to go!  We bought that beautiful RV and it's just sitting there in storage.  I'm ready to hitch it up and GO! 

Not much else going on this morning.  Daily chores await, as usual.  Laundry, dishes, Roomba, diapers--such is my life these days.  But the sun is shining, the weather is cooler, and I have my beautiful boys to love.  Life is good!

Love you all!


Cindy P.
on 9/28/13 1:43 am

Vickie, special hugs to you.  Sorry you're missing Butch so much right now -- but you're halfway there, girl.  He'll be home before you know it.

Excellent plan with the rental property.  I am looking forward to the day when you and Butch are traveling around and your posts are full of news about your adventures.  (Not that I don't enjoy your posts now -- because I do -- but I'll be happy for you when you are free to come and go as you wish.)


Cindy P.

Debbie A.
on 9/28/13 2:16 am - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Hello OFF family!

Getting ready to go to Carmel and take care of my girlfriend her husband needs a break and he needs to work. She went into D-fib again yesterday. They have no idea whats going on. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.

Thoughts and Prayers for little Morgan. May God grant peace to the family.

Vickie, glad to hear the arm is feeling better.

Connie, I hope your hip gets better soon.

Judy, never a dull moment around your place!! lol

Sorry if I missed anyone!

Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers to all,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Patricia R.
on 9/28/13 2:51 am - Perry, MI
Wish I could post my comments to everyone. IPhone won't let me.

Lincoln had a soccer game today. It's fun watching four year olds play. He scored a goal in the wrong net.

Feet are badly swollen. Keeping elevated.

Must scoot.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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