Welcome Friday
I thought I would start todays thread early. It is 2am and haven't been to bed. I need to be up at 4 to get Bill and I ready to head to the hospital for his knee replacement. We were told by the hospital to be there 2.5 hours early. His surgeon only said 2 hours. They told me 2.5 hours for my last two surgeries and I sat there and hour before anybody came in to do ANYTHING. They still rushed the last 30 minutes doing all the stuff needed so I don't know why they make people come so early. Oh well it is what it is.
We have been working to get all those two person jobs done. No need to say we didn't make it. We did get the shed completed today but not the fencing around it for the buck. We did get the solar cover off the pool dried and put up for the winter. But didn't get the steps ou****er lowered and the winter cover on. Oh well maybe one of the kids can help me next week.
It may be a couple days before I can get back on here.
Everybody have a great day and take care.
Good morning sistas!
Piney, prayers for you and Bill today. Butch just had knee replacement surgery and I know what you're going through. I sure hope and pray Bill has as good results as Butch did. It was a tough surgery, but worth it in the end. And y'all sound a lot like us, trying to get chores done on a deadline! We never make it through everything either.
Carla, Little Miss Vinnie is just precious. Such a big healthy baby, too! So happy for you!
Jo, hope you are having a good day!
Okay, Judy is going to think I'm copying her, but oy vey! My shoulder! I went to the doctor with it yesterday and got that shot and by last night, I could barely move it. Methinks the cure is worse than the disease! Ouch! I hope it gets mobile again soon.
So, very limited typing for me today. I love you all!
Vic...for the next two days use ICE on it NOT heat!!!! PT will do you GOOD!!! Also a good chiro doc will help you!!! My shoulder pain is doing good today!!! Went to chiro again this morning and he did another number on it and I can't believe how much better it is doing today!!!! WOW!!!!!! I am also doing the PT at home and the movement is getting better all the time!!!! Ofcourse I over do it with the stretching and I am sure that is another reason I hurt. By the way...is it your left or right arm? Mine is the left...LOL
Morning all,
Prayers for Bill's surgery!
Hope your shoulder stops hurting soon Vickie!
Getting ready to go and take care of my girl friend. She has had a rough time of it. The hip replacement surgery was suppose to take 3-4 hours instead it took 7 hours. They couldn't get the hip to stay in, it kept popping out. then she became very anemic she's had 4 pints of blood so far. The day after the surgery she found she couldn't move her foot...the doctor said in very rare instances this happens it's called a dropped foot syndrome, it might be permanent, if it is then she'll have to wear a brace for the rest of her life. Then night before last her blood pressure dropped and she went into Arrhythmia. They didn't even call her husband and let him know what happened, needless to say he's very mad. She's in ICU right now and I'm praying she is okay. 'W'hen does it stop?!? She's been through so much. Please send prayers.
Have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,
Praying for Bill.
Congrats Carla. Vinnie is beautiful.
Saw Primary doc again. Allergist heard a murmur. Plus my feet have been horribly swollen for a week now. Got bloodwork done and am having an echocardiogram done Monday.
Ordering new laptop o. Tuesday.
Love to all,
Albert Schweitzer