Questions re Iron and Vitamin D
I was just wondering when you say D-3 dry what does that mean. I asked for D-3 dry at the drug store and they didn't know what I was talking about. So I just bought a bottle of D-3. They must have been ok because my D labs have always been good but I had labs done Monday and my D was low I ran out of my D-3 and I had some gel caps and had been taking them I guess I just wasn't thinking. My PCP gave me the D-3 to take once a week so I got them filled and they are gel caps. I called her and told her I can't take gel caps and she says the prescription D-3 only come in gel caps and for me to take them and she will do more blood work in 2 months to see if they work. I don't think I agree with her that I should take them. What do you all think? Judy
D-3 dry as opposed to gel which I was told NOT to take.
I have been on Vitamin D-3 since my 3 month twice a day. I take half my calcium and one 1000 twice a day as they work well together and I leave at least 2 hours before and after each does before taking any other vitamins.
We had a RNY patient at our center do a lot of deep research when her Mom, also RNY almost died. Back than the didn't even know you needed citrate instead of carbonate calcium. Her research was so well done it was used by out center for new patients.
The OTC D-3 might be ok, but if your levels get low, I do to know if the dosage is high enough to raise the levels enough. The RX dose is 50,000 IU's, and yeah, I asked a pharmacist for the dry form and he looked at me as if I had three
Again everyone is different, so bloodwork is critical to establishing if your levels are ok or not.
Doctors are pretty smart folks, but their nutritional education is pretty much ignored during med school. It's up to us to keep informed. Not always easy, but soooo important