Happy Thursday!
Afternoon OFF family...had my MRI this morning and they had to strap my arm so I wouldn't move it the 40 minutes it took to do it. It hurt. Got to the last 10 minutes and my leg twitched so she had to re-do last 5 minutes. Fine. Said dr would know by MONDAY!!!!!!!!!! WTF???????? I told her I hurt NOW!!!!!!! He needs to know ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't take this pain anymore!!!!! She said she would try to ru**** through but couldn't promise...thanks. Guess it will be Monday when I hear anything.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Phone and App issues.
I have another sinus infection. I'm waiting to hear from my doc's office.
I'm still trying to get my house organized for my recovery period.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer
Hey y'all,
Just popped back on before bedtime and my heart just breaks for Nan and her family.
Well, Butch pronounced the old dryer to be DOA, so we had to go to Lowe's and buy a new one. I bought the least expensive one they had! I figure it will have to be left behind when we sell this lakehouse, so I didn't want to spend a bundle on a new one. Either that, or if we do take it with us, it will go to Christie. Carrie already has a new W/D set, but Christie only has a washer. She'll need a dryer when she finally moves out again.
It's not quite 9 p.m., but I'm going to bed. Hope we all sleep through the night tonight! I may make Butch take a Tylenol PM. His jet lag is bad this time. He slept all afternoon.
Haven't heard from Connie or Jo or Jennifer or Debbie or a bunch of others today. Hope everyone is doing okay.
See all you sweeties tomorrow! Nighty-night!
It has been a long day. I had to be up early so when the thunder came thru this am I was waken and couldn't get back to sleep. Had to be off to take Bill for a procedure today at 9. They gave him Adtivan (sp) to relax and gave the choice of 1/2 or whole. As I would be with him all day we went with the whole one plus three other meds during the procedure. Boy did it mess him up. I had to carry him and dress him. I put him in a chair to go get the car and was parking when he stumbled out the door and almost walked into a wall before I could get to him.
Now he is falling to sleep waking and thing he is at the fair loading and unloading goats (this is what he was doing last week). He has a catheter in and he keeps trying to take it out to go the bathroom in his half sleep/drug state.
It is going to be a long night.