Tuesday Michigan
Just got off phone with nurse at hospital where I'm having surgery. I now have to get lab work done.
House is a mess. Have one week to get it in order. Surgery is next Tuesday.
Must scoot,
Albert Schweitzer
Afternoon...MRI is Thursday at 830am asked if that was the quickest appointment they had...yes it was...sighs...guess they don't care how much pain a person is in. Therapy is canceled til we find out what is wrong with my arm. All I know is it HURTS!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!
Judy, So sorry you have to wait so long, and then it isn't over as you have to wait for the MRI report, over here can take a while...can you not get some stronger painkillers temporarily with a prescription proton pump inhibitor such as Pantoloc (to reduce the nastiness of a strong nsaid) ...maybe a few days on nsaids wont kill you but provide some better relief and a chance at some sleep? Although Vicodin is pretty strong and if it doesnt touch your pain, maybe they can put you on something stronger?
Trish, hope you get organized before surgery, good luck!
For me it definitely is a better day, Vickie take note: the ceiling has been closed off, and taped and mudded today, more sanding and mudding tomorrow and Thursday morning, I am rating 2 visits a day by the trades and fans to dry the layers....by Friday last coat of paint in evening and it will be just a bad memory....and no, don't want to move...neighbour has been quiet above and all is well if I get no more leaks and he does no more renos.
Sunny and hot here, off to some aquafit exercises by myself in our pool and a relaxing afternoon ....
May those of you in pain get some relief today...best wishes for a good day to everyone else.....
PS trying to lose weight, and am so hungry for those nasty carbs!
A good friend of mine once declared, "Carbs are the work of the devil!" I think she was right! They call to me and call to me. I wish I could banish them! If I eat one thing, it sets me up for failure for the rest of the day.
Glad the renov's are almost done! You deserve some peace and quiet!
Good morning Trish and everyone......
Trish...I hope you get the lab work completed and can get things done around your house. Time just seems to fly by sometimes!! Don't forget to take care of you too!
Judy....I feel so bad for you...especially now that you have to wait until Thursday for that MRI! I am sorry the Vicodin isn't helping enough. More prayers sweetie!!
Jennifer...I am happy to hear that the disaster will soon be nothing but a memory....hang in there....won't be long now! So glad you have a pool to swim and relax in too.
I am actually feeling better today. I see the Physical Therapist and the doctor on Thursday. I am hoping that I can end PT. I only have a few PT appointments left to use for the year. I want to save them for when I might need them. Darn insurance only allows so many appointments a year.
My granddaughter, Kyleigh is here for the week. She plans on staying until Nic gets here on Thursday. Nic can then give her a ride home as it is on his way back to Iowa. I am so anxious to see Nic....I have been missing him so much!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Prayers for many of our OFF friends and families. I sure am missing our other members. I pray all is well with them.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
Haven't been on here much lately; been busy with work. Last night was hell. Two sports sections, six pages, all open (no ads). Plus, we had a meeting with the company CEO. That took an hour out of the day. I was slapping stories on the page right and left. Was late with the one paper but got the other one basically out on time (1 minute late).
This is my weekend so I'm not doing a whole lot. Woke up with a headache, but it's gone. It's hot and humid here. Probably will do laundry today, watch a movie or something.
Judy, I hope they find something out on the MRI. I'm still waiting on my MRI results on my back. Still hurts, too.
Well, can't remember what else was said. I know Connie's on there, too. I think she has her granddaughter with her. Anyway, have a good day.
Afternoon all my sistas!
My Care Bear (aka Carrie) has left and I am missing her already. She and I had a good time together, as always. Only I was supposed to spoil and pamper HER, and it ended up she was taking care of me as much as I was taking care of her. Oh, but I love that child. She lights up my life.
Let's see, Christie had the weekend from hell. She worked 26 hours total over the weekend helping to get the store packed up and moved to it's new location, and then setting up over there. A nightmare experience for all the workers, I think. But then she was on her way home at midnight on Sunday night when her car died on the side of the road. She called me and I went to get her. We tried jumping her battery and it worked--sort of. We had to jump it twice to get her home. So glad Carrie was here to stay with Benny so I didn't have to wake him up and drag him out into the middle of the night with us.
So yesterday we had to take her car to the shop. A total of 10 miles, give or take. Had to jump her damn car FIVE times to get it there. I can't tell you all what is wrong with it, but they had to order a part, so it won't be ready until tomorrow and is going to cost her $1000. There goes all her lovely overtime! Poor baby.
I have to take her to work tomorrow morning and Butch also flies into San Antonio tomorrow morning--all at the same time! Grrrr! So I'll take Chris to work in New Braunfels a half hour early, and then I'll be a half hour late to pick up Butch, but it's the best I can do.
Let's see, Carrie and I went shopping at the Outlet Mall yesterday and it was so much fun watching her buy clothes. She is really looking good and is so proud of her new shape. She had to have new underwear, so she bought new smaller bras and panties. Then she had NO jeans, so she got 2 new pair, size 16. And then she got some workout (yoga) clothes. She has started with a personal trainer at the gym there at Baylor. I'm very excited for her.
We had Benny with us, of course, and he was the best thing. Didn't fuss or cry, hung in there through all the shops, told me when he needed to go potty and didn't have a single accident, and on and on. So we stopped at the Orange Leaf to buy him an ice cream as a reward for being such a good boy. They had a sugar-free vanilla ice cream and I got just a smidge of that with just the tiniest bit of the orange swirled in. Thought it was be okay, but had "the dump" this morning. I just cannot eat ice cream anymore.
I don't have any money to spare right now, so I didn't shop for myself. I didn't even shop for Benny. Just went and enjoyed watching Carrie shop.
So, praying for Trish and Judy and Eileen and Annette and all of our sistas who are having health problems right now. I do so wish I could visit each of you and bring you some homemade soup and corn muffins to eat while you are recovering. Sort of like tea and sympathy, only more practical! LOL!
Love you all! May not have time to post tomorrow what with Butch coming home and all the driving back and forth with Chris. If not, I'll see y'all Thursday!