Good Thursday Morning to Each and Everyone!
Good morning Carla and my lovely OFF sistas!
Carla, sorry you couldn't sleep last night. That's miserable, isn't it? And makes for a very long day afterwards.
I think my Menopause pills must be working, at least the nighttime one. I slept all night the last two nights and I took a long nap yesterday. Could be I'm just wore out, or could be the valarian is kicking in. Whatever it is, I'm sleeping again, and I'm thankful for that!
I have the morning off. Chris doesn't have to go into wor****il 1 p.m., so she's taking Benny to swim lessons this morning. Ahhh. Freedom! LOL! They are also going to stop by Benny's new preschool for a visit this morning. Oh, I can't wait for preschool to start! Aug 26th can't some soon enough.
Today is pay-the-bills day, only I'm not looking forward to it at all. We won't get another paychec****il Aug 31st, so I'm paying bills out of the savings account today. Don't get me wrong: I'm thankful to have the funds in savings, but it hurts a bit to see that money flowing out the account! But we've got to do what we've got to do, right?
Carrie (oldest daughter) told me about a great app for my phone called WhatsApp. If you pay extra for text messaging on your phone plan, you should look into this. You can text FOR FREE between phones that have this app! The entire first year is FREE and then it is some ridiculous low rate like $.99 per year after that!!! Plus, it works world-wide! The foreign exchange students at Baylor use it. They text from the US to China for free. I can't wait to load this on Butch's phone. Then he can text me from Saudi or Dubai or London or Amsterdam and I can know if he made his flights, etc.
(I have AT&T and I pay for each and every text because the fee for unlimited texting is $20 a month, but I usually don't send enough to make that rate worthwhile.)
Well, time's a'wastin'! I have lots to do while my house is empty of chilluns!
Love you all!
I had AT&T years ago, in Pennsylvania, and couldn't get reception in my own apartment. At that time, my apartment was about 10 yards from an interstate highway. So, I should have had good reception. My son, had Verizon, so I switched, and had no problem. I now have my Mom on my account, and have never had a problem since. I now use my cell for everything, coz it's an iPhone. I decided not to get a landline when I moved here.
Albert Schweitzer

I hate At and T! their taxe are so high Id have to go scout out a mortgage! I have Verizon and have unlimited texting on four phones. I dropped at and tvwhen we moved to florida for a wifi i had on a netbook I had. Couldnt get consistant service when we were in Chicago! they tripple charged me taxes! They r crooks! watch your bill! just saying!
Good Morning Carla and Vickie and the rest of OFF-
Sorry you couldn't sleep. My problem was I couldn't wake up this morning.
Carla I agree with you about AT&T and I used to work for them! I switched to Verizon and have had no problems them. I live in remote areas when volunteering with USFWS and I've never had a problem getting service.
Vickie I'm going to check out that App though and see if it would save anything even tho I have unlimited texting like Carla but I'm not sure about international communications.
Chester delivered my weekly order of salmon fresh harvested from the coast of Maine today. He also brought me the first quart wild Maine blueberries. That was my brunch, blueberries and yogurt. He also had some extras so I'm drying 3 quarts for enjoyment in the winter. Blueberries are early this year so I was taken aback when he said he had blueberries. I usually buy 6 quarts a week from him and dry them for winter consumption and to give as gifts.
Vickie glad you menopause pills appear to be working. I've had a few flashes since the hysterectomy but nothing major. I'm wondering if the blue funk is due to my surgery, something to check with doctor about when I return in November.
Hopefully, weather permitting I will try out kayaking this Saturday with a neighbor. I studied the training video and have overcome some of my nerves about this. For those of you who don't know, kayaking was one of my weightloss goals. I've been frustrated most of the summer because my friend who I was going to kayak with sold her camp and moved back to Boston. Anyway, this other neighbor has a sandy beach at her camp so I will go down there this Saturday and paddle around in the cove trying to remember the tips from the kayak video. I'm still nervous about looking like an idiot but the video has helped a bit.
Yesterday I burned the debris pile from the wind storm. Got that mess out of the yard so now I can mow that area again. Moved the kayak closer to the car, so now I can mow that area. You get the picture, I'm going to mow the lawn. Still have the leaning trees but hopefully the tree cutters will come soon. Guess I could call them and bug them.
Anyway, that's all from Maine. Carla I hope you get some sleep tonight. Vickie enjoy your free time this morning! Positive thoughts to all you who need it!
My sis-in-law has been kayaking for years. I went once, to help move the kayaks about a half mile from our picnic site to the boat launch area, so she could put them on top of her car. She's only kayaked on lakes, and in bays. It's really pleasant to explore lakes in state and county parks. Not sure I'd try anything but still water.
Good luck. You will enjoy it once you do it. It's very similar to canoing, but you have some back support, if it's an open kayak. That's what she has.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi everyone, I haven't checked in for awhile. Life is crazy for me these days. I adopted 2 kittens from our animal shelter. Tomorrow they will get neutered and declawed. Hopefully they will mellow out after surgery. They are so onery. I am like a scratching post. I am still doing ok. I have been decorating my hew house. It is looking nice. Well, take care and see you soon.
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
So sorry about the no sleep Carla. I had that night before last, and it was awful. Thankfully most of the time I sleep well except for having to get up to go potty at least twice a night.
Vickie I hear you loud and clear about the needing "ME" time! My kids really want me to move to Santa Cruz and part of me would love to so I could see my grands grow up....however, I worry a lot that my big kids will rely on me too often and too much to babysit, take kids to appointments, games etic. I would hate to damage our relationship and regret moving back there.
Cindi, love that you get fresh salmon and blueberries. I grew up in Oregon and every year my dad would fish for chinook salmon and my mom would freeze it, dry it, smoke it, can it, and of course salmon roasts and steaks. My brother and I came to hate salmon...Ha! However today I LOVE it and only get it occasionally because here on Maui it too $18.00 lb!! As for blueberries, I love them, too, and I buy a lot, too, and freeze them in individual sealed bags and when I make oatmeal, I throw in a big handful of frozen blueberries, and it cools the oatmeal right down and is a real treat!
Well, we are inbetween storms it seems. Flossie already made her way through with minimal damage, and now they tell that a new hurricane, Gil, is heading our way. This is the month of the most hurricane in the Pacific...however I don't remember ever have two within a week of each other. I' leaving my emergency supplies in my car...just in case.
Hope you all have a good day.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Post Script: Just wanted to pop back and announce officially that the blue funk is over. At least I hope so! I got my floors all cleaned today, and that's a big step in the right direction. Took me all day to do it, so I'm headed for my big easy chair in the living room and some cross stitch time while Benny is still napping.
Cindi, sounds like you have pulled out of your blue funk, too. At least you're getting some time outdoors, and that always makes me feel better. (Except when it's 102F in the shade, like it is today. LOL!) I wish I could go kayaking with you. I've never been, but lots of people kayak on the rivers here.
Mona, good to hear from you!
Karen, I can only imagine how torn you must feel. You seem to be so happy where you are. I don't guess there's any way you could do a trial run with your son and family? Maybe rent your condo for a year while you try it there? I do feel like I get taken advantage of A LOT, but on the other hand, I volunteered for this gig, so I really can't complain much. And being with Benny is its own compensation. Still, there are certainly days when I miss my old life and my personal time! Prayers for you to make a decision that is the right one for YOU.
Oh, and I didn't grow up eating salmon. I grew up eating venison. Ugh. I can hardly eat it now. My dad was a big hunter and we had deer meat at least twice a week. Shudder. I don't even want to smell it now.
Don't know where Judy, Eileen, Connie, et al, are today. Hope everyone is well.