Holy Cow Almost Noon on Sunday
Afternoon OFF family...arm still hurts so not posting much of anything...just lurking on everything...OH, FB and whatever else I can do online...just bored out of my skin here. Put the tens unit on my arm last night made it feel pretty good and then I checked Bandit for fleas...he tried to bite me and I swung my arm YES my sore arm up and away from him and let a yell out OMG IT HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there went that good feeling the tens unit did!!!!! Will try it again in a few minutes. Sometimes I really hate my dog...I did get the flea stuff on him today as I did find one on him today. GRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!
Good Evening Cindi and OFF Family,
I haven't been feeling well all weekend. I've had zero energy, and nausea all weekend. I haven't accomplished a thing all day. I overslept and woke up with a headache, so I missed church.
It's been unseasonably cold today. I closed all my windows, and only went out to get some Diet Coke, coz I can't stand much else when I feel this way.
Hope everyone had a blessed day.
Albert Schweitzer
Just checking in on everyone and to say good night. That nasty yucky funky thing must be going around. Bill and both had or get up and go get up and went.
Wishing everyone a great day tomorrow. To much to do to stay down and have the two grandsons tonight Tuesday and Friday. Bill has doc appointment Tuesday so will have to get back to hopping.