Good Morning! From the Back Seat of my Car on I-75
Well the ipad is playing games today! I csn tell u there are five food groups now meat, veggies, fruit, grain,and Fudge! I have never seen more fudge shops in my life!!!!! Northern Michigan is full of them!!!! but yes I knew that!!!!Ibgrew up here!!!!!
I posted pics on my facebook! If u want to friend me my facebook is Carla Slavin-Klein you can friend me.
Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla...fudge...yum...I would eat myself sick...that wouldn't take long!! It sounds like you are having a great time....I am so happy for you!! I will check Facebook later for more pics. I ones of the locks were very interesting.
Trish....sounds like you have a busy day....hope all goes well.
Vickie...sure hope the door gets completed soon. I agree....push to get everything done before Butch leaves. You will really have your hands full when he leaves. Sorry about the swim lessons. You do so much for Chris....too bad she didn't remember to make that call.
I have physical therapy soon. They will do the first half of my neck Thursday and the other side next Thursday. The block has really made a difference with the pain in my back. I pray it works as well for my neck pain. Other then that nothing planned for today.
Wishing you all a great day!! Prayers for many in need.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I slept late ... didn't get up til after noon. Yes, there are plenty of fudge shops in Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island. I remember going up there pre-WLS and still didn't have that much fudge back then ... too sweet. I think I bought a pound. All these tourist traps have fudge shops. The Dells did too.
I woke up with a headache this morning and it hasn't gone away with the Imitrex. We are going to have rain today, I think. This is my Friday, and tomorrow I have my back procedure ... which is good because I'm really hurting. Tomorrow I'll get good drugs and hopefully will be pain free (in my back, at least) for several months.
Have a good day. I need a shower and lunch.
Eileen...I am so glad you get your back procedure done tomorrow. I will be keeping you in my prayers!!
I am so glad I had mine done! I get one side of my neck done this Thursday and the other side the following Thursday. The only part of the procedure on the back I didn't like was having a numb leg and foot for 24 hours. That happened with each side they did. I hate having to have it done in two parts. I understand why....I couldn't hardly walk after each time. I am so glad I have Pam to assist me. I was told my arm and hand will probably go numb the same as the legs and feet did. Better to do it one side at a time. Then I will still have one side functioning.
Love and hugs....connie d
Good Morning Carla,
I've never crossed the Mackinaw Bridge. I have been to Mackinac Island though. Want to go back.
I have errands to run, and then I go to see my therapist. Haven't seen him since way before I broke my foot in December. Not sure if I'm going to stop seeing him altogether, or just see him when I'm in town.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and Trish and all my OFF sistas!
Double Pooh this morning! Pooh on my homemade Pro Joe. Can't say I really liked it much this morning. And BIG POOH because Butch got his flight information this morning. He's leaving on Saturday. He's been home since last February and I've enjoyed every minute of our time together. Really don't know if I'm tough enough to go back to the 28 on/28 off schedule or not! Oy vey! Just 3 more hitches. Lord, give me strength.
Benny was supposed to start swim lessons this morning, but his mommy didn't sign him up for them last week! Honestly. I don't know where that girl came from. She is as different from Butch and I as she can possibly be. I even sent her text reminders while we were gone on vacation and she still didn't do it. You know the story of the ant and the grasshopper? Well, Christie is a grasshopper. Never thinks about tomorrow at all.
I had a dream last night about my Carrie. She was so tall and slim and beautiful! Haven't seen her that way since she was about 15 years old. Can't wait to see her at this time next year. She is in frantic mode right now getting ready for her oral exams in August, so I don't even call to talk to her. She's so busy. But she and some of her grad school girlfriends are coming here to the lake for Labor Day weekend. Poor things. They will all be shell-shocked by the end of August and will need some recovery time and some mothering!
Benny is just a chatterbox this morning. Woke up shortly after 6 a.m. and hasn't paused a moment since! Such a busy bee!
I didn't quite finish all my laundry yesterday, so I still have that to do this morning. Down to the last load, though. Then I have to "push" Butch along on finishing up some of these chores before he leaves. Still working on the front door. Started installing the glass in the sidelights yesterday. Hurray!
Well, I need to go. Benny is jumping up and down on the chair behind my back as I type this. I'm going to be black and blue!
Love you all!
Hot here, next few days with temps into 90's and with Humidex will be in the 100' doing inside things to stay cool in AC, I really don't do high heat with humidity very well, fortunately have lots of books in our "honour library" in the Condo party room to choose from, and my balcony plants to tend to, including my basil, chives and hanging salad bowl, in addition to geraniums I overwintered inside....4 of six survived and they are blooming beautifully, I feel like an urban balcony gardener.
Breast still terribly bruised and tender from biopsy torture last Thursday, and incision still bled a teensy bit last night (taped a bandage to cover) as I toss and turn and it pulls on the incission which is healing nicely. Not going for daily swimming in condo pool just yet because I want the incision to be completely is about half the size of one of our laparoscopic RnY incisions. My fibro/ body really misses the poolwork...
Everyone have a better day today than yesterday....
Jennifer.....I hate the humidity too...I just wilt! It sounds like you have a nice place to live. It is wonderful to share books. Your balcony must be beautiful. I hope the breast heals quickly. I am sure you miss the pool. I sure do. My physical therapy ran out. I am just seeing and OT right now. She does massage and things. The pool helped the most for my Fibro. Oh well....can't fight insurance!
Love and hugs....connie d