Mom called me this morning and she said she is still in CCU and on oxygen. Had 3 units of blood, is on liquid diet and they are always checking her blood and heart!! She said she is feeling good and not to worry...yeah ok mom...I asked her where her ulcer was at and she has no idea. So still waiting to hear from my younger brother maybe he older brother doesn't. My sister has no clue whats going on either...:-/ So here I sit waiting for news......
If you can't talk to your brother, call the nursing station and ask to talk to a nurse or her doctor. Sometimes it's easier getting the information from the horse's mouth, if you know what I mean. My mom wouldn't be able to communicate these things to me, either. That's why I don't have my docs call her anymore when I'm in the hospital; I have them call my brothers and let my brothers relay the information (plus, mom can't hear well and they would get frustrated trying to talk to her).
hang in there!