Hello Monday! Where're my sistas?
Hi Cindi...it is arthritis and this crappy weather is the cause of this flare up I am sure of it!!!!!!! Will try to do dishes IF I can lift any of them!!! About dropped my plate full of crablegs!!! OMG!!! LOL I do have my stiff brace on now and it helps more but hard to do anything with my left hand being trapped in that thing!!!
Technically it is Tuesday here but I'm adding on Monday anyway.
Hello to all and HUGS to those in need.
One reason I don't post so often is that I prefer to have at least ONE happy comment instead of my pity party and complaining. Happy is hard to find lately.
Next Monday Tom goes for is Thyroid biopsy. The spots have grown. It is a constant worry.
Tonight he was hanging drapes on the new rods, slipped, fell and cut his leg. He's on blood thinner so the blood was flowing hard. Convinced him to sit his ass down and apply pressure. Gentle convincing doesn't begin to work with him. One spot was deep and needed stitches. Would he listen? Good grief NO!!
Saw my Oncologist this morning. I had finally gained four whole pounds. This morning I have lost SIX pounds. Discouraging. After two more rounds of chemo he is doing more testing. Then from the results he will brew up another batch of chemo.
On the bright side, people tell me I have a nicely shaped head. Yeah, I go out in public totally bald. It is heartwarming how quickly people offer help.
Take care all. Hugs love and smooches