Sunday Morning Wake Up Call
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
Last night when I got to work, I stretched too far getting something out of the car and strained my lower back again. So I was in pain all night. And today. It didn't go away like the last two times. So it's going to be a long night. And no, I really can't call in sick. We have a small staff on Sundays and everyone is needed. Fortunately, we have a small paper. Last night, the news section was small but the sports section large. I got the rest of the guys to help out with sports. Which was good because I was swamped and just not reacting very well with my pain
If I am still in pain tomorrow, I'll call the pain doc and see if I can get into the chiro. I have an appointment with her on Wednesday but I'll try to get in tomorrow instead. The pain is so bad I can barely get up or move my legs. Last night, I kept having cramps in my legs and my toes cramped up and froze. It was horrible.
Nan, good to see you back. Hope Morgan is doing OK.
Well, I got to get into the shower and see if the shower helps my back ... the icepack hasn't worked, nor have the drugs. All they've done is make me sleepy.
Have a good day.