Well Good Tuesday Morning!!!!!
Good Morning Carla and OFF Sisters to Follow,
I had an exhausting day yesterday. I helped prepare and serve a luncheon for a large group of people. We were busy constantly refilling the serving platters so that people could have the food at the buffet table.
Today, I'm heading to Colleen's to do my laundry. I always enjoy going over there, and playing with my grandchildren. Fun, fun.
I also have to stop at the bank and make a deposit. Tomorrow, I'm taking Izzy out for her birthday. We're going shopping for an outfit, a toy, a craft and then lunch at Red Lobster.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon OFF family....WOW what an evening we had here last night!!! Had an apartment door kicked in and lots of drugs stolen from a cancer person!!! OMG!!! He is in intensive care right now since last friday and they think it was one of his relatives that did this to him!!! Thousands of dollars worth of drugs taken...OMG!!!!!!! Cops showed up and had guns drawn when they went inside...just like on tv...OMG!!!!! Now to replace the frame...its going to be alot of fun to do this one...can't replace just the wood its the whole frame and door it looks like!!! Nobody hurt just the door and frame.
I see the Budweiser Clydesdales are going to be at the Michigan NASCAR rae this weekend!! Now I want to go!!!!! Trying to find a place to buy tickets and so far no luck!! Guess we will take our chance and buy them at the track!!!
Well carpet cleaners are here need to get going...Bandit has to go potty also...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi Carla, Trish, Judy and all my OFF sistas!
Wow, never a dull moment around this place, huh? Everyone seems to be busy, busy! Carla, I know you can't wait for your grandbaby! I was the same way. And Trish, you are loving being close to your munchkins! I can relate! And, OMG, Judy. The things that go on with your tenants . . . it leaves me speechless at times. I would love to see the Bud. clydesdales too! Maybe one day.
Well, we are buying an RV! I am super excited. It's a used one, of course, but it's really, really nice. Only one owner and it's a 2008 model. Our current RV is a 1995 model, so this is a big step up for us. We have been kicking this idea around for awhile, but we finally decided that if we were going to upgrade, the time was now. I had to agree to Butch going back to wor****il the end of the year. It's 6 more months (or really just 3 more work hitches) and after all these years, what's that? A snap of the fingers. But we will have it all paid for by the end of the year and then he can retire and we can start travelling. We will have to take Benny with us in the beginning, but in just 2 more years, he'll be in kindergarten, and Chris will hopefully be out of school and settled with regular working hours and after school care, so we can have more freedom than we do now.
Had a great workout last night a****er aerobics. OMG. Had a different instructor and she really put us through our paces! I woke up sore this morning. But I'm going back again tonight. Tomorrow I leave for Waco and I won't get another chance to workout until next week.
So much going on today. Got a haircut in an hour. Then Chris and I are going to tour a preschool in New Braunfels for Benny for this fall. And then on to the grocery store, and then to the Y. Whew!
Love you all!
Hi Vickie...we must have been posting at the same time!!
Sounds like you had quite the workout yesterday...I am sure you do feel it today!! I had quite a workout in the pool yesterday too. I am really surprised but I am not hurting today!!
I am glad you are able to get a new motor home and travel. Those 6 months with Butch working will be worth it!!
Hope the preschool works out for Benny!
Thank you so much for being there for me!!!!
Love and lots of hugs.....connie d
Good afternoon Carla and everyone.....
Carla.....enjoy going thru the closet....that is always fun!!
Trish....getting your laundry done and spending time with your grandchildren too is a bonus!!
Judy...that is horrrible...these damn people and their drugs....makes me sick!! I am glad everyone is okay and no one was hurt or worse. That poor man!!
I am doing okay.....been busy. Finally have all my things packed at my sisters. The movers will be there Saturday and everything will be put in storage. My sister called and needs me to come over and balance her checkbook today. I will do it just to keep the peace.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!! Prayers for many in need ....and love to all.
Much love and many hugs to all of you.....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I slept til after noon today. The phone went off twice and woke me up. Oh well, I guess I needed the rest. I was really tired.
The one phone call was kind of strange. It was from some private investigator. He had left a card in my door on Sunday, too. He said he had good news for "Christopher" ... well, my nephew's name is Christopher, but he doesn't live with me. So I called him back and left a message and he called me back and told me who he was trying to reach ... doesn't live here. Too bad, he had money for that person ... I could use someone trying to give me money. Oh well. At least he didn't want money from me for a change.
It really warmed up today ... up to 86 degrees. I don't plan on doing anything here today too much, just laundry. Need to be lazy for a change. Working six days saps my energy. But it's good for my pocketbook.
Connie, glad you'll be completely out of your sister's place at last. Hope you can find a place of your own finally. At least Pam's house is better for you than your sister's.
Vickie, the RV sounds great. I would love to do that, travel around the country ... if only gas wasn't so expensive. I'll bet Benny will love it.
Well, have a good day everyone. I'm off for two days.
Hello Eileen....I think that investigator is shady....be cautious! He may be around again to try to get info on your nephew. I wouldn't give him anything. That is creepy!
Glad you got to sleep in....I am sure that makes you feel much better today!!
I am very excited about getting my things out of my sister's. Another door closed!!!
Love ya...hugs....connie d