TGIF dear OFF Friends!
Hi Laureen and my OFF family:
Sounds like you had an awesome vacation. I was walking better before I had the two knee surgeries that didn't work. My right knee still isn't right. Left knee is better after that knee replacement. But I'm still using a cane and still in pain most of the time. I'm waiting (and hoping) the turmeric will work on the pain issues.
It's overcast and gloomy today; rain later tonight, about the time I get home from work. No wonder I feel a little ouchy today. Not horrible, just a little hurting.
Nothing much happening here. Just saying hi. Have a good day.
Hi All,
Haven't had time to get on here this week ! I have been working, visiting with a friend from college and catching up, road trip with a friend from church to a craft store 70 miles from us, and let's see oh yes WORKING! I thought retirement was supposed to be realxed and fun.... the person they put me with to help test,well if he had his ducks in a row it wouldn't be bad but appearantly he thinks I a at his beck and call 18 hours a day. He just keeps giving me kids to test and doesn't give me time to score and do the report before he gives me another 5 to do. I ran errands today, got new c-pap supplies finally, picked up some certificates to calligraphy names on for a frend and had lunch with another friend. I need to be working on reports but I decided I'm tired and I wanted to just sit and play my game for a little while. May work on a report later but right now I need some ME time. Was loosly panning to go to Dallas next week but not sure if I will manage it with everything else, we will see!
Well girls, I will hopefully slow down soon and be able to get on here more often! Everything is still going smoothly toward surgery, we meet with the surgeon May20th again and go from there!
Take Care all!
Oh holy crap! My husband is talking about going back to work again! That man is going to make me insane. I don't want him to go back to work. I want him to retire! I don't often resort to tears, but this might be the time for it. Has anyone else ever had this problem??? He's 68 years old and I've been dealing with this offshore lifestyle for 32 years! Enough already. I want us to have some time together to just be ourselves. I don't care what we do. I don't care where we live. I just want to spend time with my husband while we're both healthy enough to enjoy ourselves. Sorry to rant, but he's making me crazy today. Doesn't he love me?
Men get all weird about retirement. They don't feel as if they are our providers and protectors any more.
When you feel calmer, sit him down and have a brutally frank discussion about why you object. When I cry, my mouth gets mean and the ideas are no longer sensible, so I have to work on the 'calm' part of the discussion.
Also remember that men are like Jackasses: you must hit them in the head with a 2 X 4 to get their attention.
Good luck & hugs
Oh, Annette, I love you and your advice! I AM calmer this morning, for sure. We have agreed that it's too soon to make this major decision (he hasn't been released from the doctor's office yet to return to work) and also that he's willing to "keep all our options open."
He says he understands how I feel, but that he's doing this for me. He's worried about our finances. I keep telling him that the money means very little to me. I don't need another big fancy house or anything else like that. I just want to be with him and enjoy our life together.
I love the part about the 2 x 4. I may have to keep THAT option open, too! LOL! Vic