Happy Wednesday!
Hi Debbie and my OFF sistas!
Another crazy day at our house. About the only good thing I say for today is that Benny is at school for 8 hours today. Other than that, these people are all driving me crazy!
On my way into town for my special test the WLS ordered and then Mom and I are going to drive around and look at some retirement/senior living facilities. Of course it is raining today. Hasn't rained here in weeks and weeks. But this is the only time I have to give Mom for her apartment hunt, so we're going today.
Better scoot! Talk more tomorrow maybe.
Oh, and prayers for Cindi and her operation today.
Vickie.....you and I must have posted at the same time. Why is Benny in school for 8 hours....something special going on? I am sure he will enjoy that! I wish you the best with your testing today. I also hope and pray your mom finds an apartment she likes. Sorry you have to dodge rain drops!!
Love and hugs....connie d
Good morning Debbie and everyone....
Well Debbie it is almost 11:00 AM here and I am the first reply. It is very quiet on here. Have a fun day with your sewing machine!!!
Not much planned today. I have to send out a few more applications for housing. I am so praying something comes up soon!!
I will check back later to see if others have posted.
Have a great day everyone!! Prayers for those in need.
Love and hugs to all...connie d
Good Afternoon OFF Family,
It is pouring rain here today!!!! We are in 3-year long drought. Only sorry that Vickie has to be out in it today.
Debbie, sewing is so relaxing and fun. You must be in heaven with your new machine.
Connie, praying that you find a new apartment soon. I'm sure good things are coming your way!
Nothing going on here today. Maybe I'll do a load of wash and cook dinner for the family.
Hope everyone is doing well today.
Hugs and prayers to all, Sandra
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:
Not much happening here. I have a couple of appointments today and some running around ... chiro, eye doctor, store, etc. I might go get my hair cut, too ... we'll see ... I was going to do it first before the other appointments but didn't feel like moving that early (for me).
Vickie, hope you find a nice place for your mom to live. Connie, hope you find yourself a nice place to live.
Me, I'm off to the shower soon. I still have a few minutes left to veg and drink coffee. Have a good day.
Good Afternoon OFF friends
I think spring is finally coming to Michigan!! Its still cold but oh so pretty! and very slowly warming up might be near 60 this weekend!
Debbie I got a new sewing Machine for Christmas and haven't had much time to play with it between dealing with some difficult "stuff" and now some health issues but i am going to soon! want to make a new spring jacket. No quilting for me To me quilting is taking big pieces of material, cutting it up into little pieces and sewing them back into big pieces of material! I do love seeing the results of others quilting though just not interested myself!
have a bright spring day everyone!
I'm not feeling great today. It took me a while to get moving this morning. Then, I ran a few errands and visited Colleen and the kids for a little while. It's so much fun to watch Frankie scoot across the room on his bottom. Colleen's floors are hardwood and ceramic tile, which she keeps spotless.
I have a few phone calls to make, and then I'm going to rest.
Albert Schweitzer
Afternoon OFF family!!! Man I have been busy here!!!Rented out 3 apartments yesterday and showed a couple today!!! Guys need to get busy getting the new empty ones ready so we have them ready asap!!!!!!! WOW!! People calling and stopping in out of the blue...happy happy happy!!!!!!!! One guy used to do opening act for Charlie Danels band!!! Asked if his guys could do a gig for the tenants here some time...SURE!!!!!!!!! As long as its free!!! Sure thing he said...OK!!! He will be moving in here friday!!!!
Update on mom is she is doing better...found out she is refusing her therapy!!! Amanda found out and she called her dad in mexico and told him!! He called mom today and had a talk with her!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!! Guess who won't be skipping her therapy sessions again!!! LOL Now hopefully she will also be eating better!!!! Joe comes home late friday or early saturday so she better get her butt in gear and get better for that visit from him!!!! ;-)
Well time to figure out supper...hmmmmmmmm.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Yeah, Judy, same problems as with my mom ... refusing to do therapy, or only doing therapy when she's forced to do it, and then not doing it correctly. And as far as eating goes ... mom isn't doing much of that, either. I think they get to the point where they just don't feel like going on anymore. That's what my mom is doing now. She basically eats bread and potato chips ... that's about it. And she's diabetic. But at that age, what difference does it make anymore? They're not going to live that much longer. Right now, my mom could use a few more pounds on her. She looks so thin and frail.
Hope your family can convince your mom to do PT and eat. It's a tough time, i know.