Happy Friday y'all!
Vickie and OFF-
Congrats Vickie on the George Strait tickets. I know you will enjoy the concert as he is your favorite.
Glad you and Butch had some time off in San Antonio yesterday. You certainly deserve the time away. All of you who are raising or helping to raise grandchildren have my admiration.
Well it's the waiting game. I'm waiting for the blood test results. I have the next three days off. Today I went to the senior water fitness class to make up for missing it last night. At the moment I'm doing laundry. This evening, I'm meeting a friend at a local hangout for crawfish. She had VSG last June and just went for her 9 month followup. She's lost 70 pounds and is looking great. She mowed the lawn for her husband yesterday!
I'm on my second day of no sugars at all. I'm also doing a Candidia cleanse. I called the GYN office that I went to on Monday and the cultures came back negative so the itching is being caused by something else. I still suspect Candidia so we'll see if the cleanse helps.
The winds are picking up again this afternoon. Wouldn't be an issue except that the Refuge is discing a prairie that they're doing a habitat restoration on so we're getting the dust cloud as things have dried out considerably this week. The sequestration craziness is really hitting the FWS hard. Their firecrews are going to be furloughed in April. They suspended all credit card use, their cancelling travel and training. I agree that budgets need to be cut but I think the richer agencies are where the cuts should take place not the poorer ones. They shut down the duck banding research on the refuge for the remaining five days.
Hi Cindi,
I need to do the "no sugar" thing too. I start out doing pretty good, but then I sabotage myself during the day. Today it was big marshmallows. Dammit.
Still praying for good news from the GYN. Be sure and post your test results for us. We all care very much.
That's such a shame about the funds being cut off. I agree. It is absolute madness the way the budget is being dealt with. I heard on the news today about a $300K robotic squirrel the gov't paid someone to build. Really? What the F*** is that about? I wish a couple of us could get in there and straighten things out. I don't owe any favors to anyone. I could be objective and ruthless, couldn't you?
Have fun with the mudbugs tonight!
Thanks I will definitely try the Crystal lite orange flavor. I will also challenge and ask lots more questions next week at my post op visit on Thursday and see what is said. I would love to ditch the pills and have much better health which was one of the reaosns for my doing this surgery to begin with.