Saturday Happenings-What's Up?
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
I'm barely awake here. But, I've got to get moving. I want to attend an AA meeting a few towns over. We had snow yesterday, so I couldn't go out. I'm terrified of falling in the snow, especially walking with the boot on.
I also need to do some more unpacking. I want to find more hangers for my clothes. I had to leave some of them in PA, but I know I had more.
Hope everyone has a blessed day. Love you all.
Albert Schweitzer
Good morning Trish and all my OFF sistas!
Trish, you DO be careful! Lord, girl, the last thing you need is another injury. As for more hangers, try the Dollar Store. Hangers are a pain to pack! I threw out a ton of them when we moved.
This cold is kicking my butt. I thought I was getting better, but I must have had a relapse. Went to bed at 9 p.m. last night and didn't wake up til 9 a.m. this morning. 12 solid hours! I'm all congested again, too. I'm tired of feeling like crap.
So today we are in construction mode. We are converting the formal dining room to a 5th bedroom. Not quite as big a job as when we remodeled the teeny tiny bathroom, thank goodness. The dining room had an arched entrance, so we are framing out a new door and adding a closet. Butch says we need to have it framed out before the flooring guys get here next week. Okay by me. Yesterday I pulled up a section of the crappy floor where the new doorway will go! Hurray! So glad to get rid of it.
(BTW, lest you all think we're crazy, this house has a HUGE dining area in the kitchen, too. Big enough to hold a table for 8 and then some. So the formal dining room was really pretty superfluous. This is a lakehouse after all. Better to have another bedroom for guests.)
My little Patty Kate had her teeth cleaned yesterday, and she has such a pretty smile this morning! Boy, was she ever happy to see me yesterday evening! That little stump of a tail never wagged so hard! LOL! PK is 5 years old now, and the vet told me that Rat Terriers can live as long as 18 years with good food and good care. Butch thinks I'm crazy to pay $200 for her to have her teeth cleaned, but I just love that little girl so much! I want her to be around for a long, long time.
Oh, and not to be forgotten (as I did yesterday), but yesterday was my 2 year surgiversary! I didn't even think about it until this morning. I love my new life! And I love all my new friends here at OFF! You all have made this journey such a happy one for me. I count each and every one of you as a true blessing in my life.
Love you all!
VIC...CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! Already????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!! You came along way and its been a wild ride like I told you!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for that cold again...take some hot tea, shot of whiskey and honey at bedtime and drink it and also grease up with some vicks on the chest and bottom of feet put socks on to bed be good as new in morning!!
Congrats on two years of a new life. Have a beer on me (well, one won't hurt ... or wine ... I can only manage one alcoholic drink and it knocks me over).
As for the dog, you got to take care of her health. It's better to get the teeth cleaned now than have to deal with serious health problems later.
Happy Surgiversary Vickie. You're doing so well. Like you, I love the people on OFF.
Albert Schweitzer
Morning Tri****s sort of gloomy here in Galion...chilly also! All the ice we had yesterday is about gone now...went through so much salt it was crazy!!! But we couldn't take the chance of anyone getting hurt falling!! Guess another round next week for us...
Still no word on my wrist. All I know is wearing this stupid wrist thing makes it hurt more when I try to do things!!! GRRRR
Got a letter in the mail from the car dealer down the road to come in for free gift just for stopping in...had to call the 800 number to register...I am getting 3 free gifts!!! WOW!!! NO obligation either!!! LOL ok so we will go see what junk I get for "free" and NO obligation!! Rick asked me if I would trade my car in if they asked me to...sure if they can give me same payments I am making now on something I LOVE!!! Why not? Just driving by there I saw nothing I really cared for except the Camaro and THAT is NOT in my price range for sure!! LOL
Colored my hair this morning came out almost black again...sighs......hate when that happens!! But it will get lighter as it gets washed.
Going to bingo tonight maybe I will get lucky again hahaha.
Well Rick is getting up finally so best get going and take Bandit out for potty before we leave.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!
Good morning Trish and everyone...
Trish...I also agree....please be careful out there walking around. You need to use a cane or walker for safety to and from the car and other places.Hope you find your hangers soon!!
Judy...good luck at Bingo!!! I am so sick of snow!! I can't imagine you in dark are so fair complected...maybe it looks good on you!! sounds like you are really overdoing it when you are so sick. I am so glad Butch is there to help you!! Hope you have another great nights sleep tonight! Happy 2 Year Surgiversary!!! You look amazing...good job!!
I went to bed at 9 last night. The damn plows came at 11:45PM and woke me up. I had to hurry and put clothes on and move my car again!! I am really getting sick of this! Still feeling lousy. Will spend the day on bed AGAIN!!
Wishing everyone a great day!! Prayers for so many in need and some special ones as well!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
Don't go out in the snow ... you don't need another injury. I tend to fall, too, so whenever there's ice and snow I take it very carefully.
Not much happening here. Work again tonight. Last night was hectic and with numerous computer issues ... one of mine, several for my recently reinstated coworker, who did his best to not blow up. I know he wanted to (I know I would have) but he kept his cool, or at least as much of it as he could. I kept asking if I could help him with anything ... he doesn't like to ask for help. Sometimes I just grab a page and pitch in without asking because it makes the night easier.
Anyway, got to get in the shower and get lunch ... not much left to eat here and no money to buy food, but I guess I'll get by. I have some tuna and need to get a box of macaroni so I can make tuna casserole ... that will last me for several meals. Not going into specifics, but this was not a good week.
Have a good day.