Weather here is windy temps were way up in the low 60's today had some winds and still do rains heavy at tims mostly early morning and now the temps staring to drop and then snow???
Got the truck back tonight another $106.00. Hope this will do the trick to keep it starting!!!
Got a home made chicken pot pie in the oven and its just about ready. Smells good!!
Guys went to another complex for a tile job today. They are worn out. I stayed here and scrubbed the club house good. Floors sure were dirty!!
Connie, have you tried putting a pillow under your legs while sleeping or resting? Seems to help me when I am restless and can't sleep good. Give it a try see if it helps. Prayers continue for you!!!
Vicki hope Butch DOES retire and you can do some nice things together for a change! Hope Benny is feeling better soon!!!
Oven going off so pie is to wake Rick up now....LOL
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!