Tuesday Morning
I hope this finds you rejoicing in today. I'm trying to be positive today. Mom and I butted heads again yesterday. I hate being trapped here. Mom can take any subject and bully you into agreeing with her, and then when you agree with her, bully you some more.
Oops! I fell asleep in the middle of my post. Sorry.
Today I see my psychiatrist for a med check. I'm also going to ask for an additional med for this depression I'm fighting right now.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer
God has been so good to me since then. I owe everything to Him.
Thank you for being a part of my journey.
Albert Schweitzer
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish congratulations on your 3 Year Anniversary!! I am so happy for you!!
I am really sick yet today. This cough is just horrible. I may have to call my doctor as I have COPD and I don't want pneumonia to set in. I am just checking in and I will check back again later today. Time for more cough meds etc..
Wishing you all a great day. Prayers for all in need.
Much love and hugs to all....connie d
Trish, you are amazing!!! Takes such courage not to drink and even more to admit that you have a problem.
My parents both were huge drinkers; never admitting to their problems. My mom passed away at 56 -- I'm sure heavy drinking and smoking were the cause of her massive heart attack.
God has truly been good to you! Just hang in there with your mother -- hopefully it won't be for much longer. Just take it one day at a time. Trust in God -- He will see you through this too.
Prayers and hugs, Sandra
Morning Trish and all to come!
Hang in there Trish! My mom sounds like she was related to your mom!! So desperately wanting something, but I never figured it out. Maybe it's all about control.
Not much happening today, which is fine. I have a busy day tomorrow so I'll just enjoy today as it comes.
Thoughts and prayers for all,
Afternoon OFF family...
Been biting my tongue here and trying to stay away from people...some around here just don't get it at all!!! Just leave me alone so I can relax on my time off!!!!!!!!!! Seems they can't call while I am in the office just when I am at home. I understand if it is an emergency but when its for something stupid.... Last night 10 pm...phone rings...one of the tenants had their dog out...didn't pick up their poop..another tenant saw it happen and picked it up and put it on their porch...she called me about it...then her daughter called me about it...claims it was NOT her mothers dog as she has had her dog for 2 days...wrong!!!!!! I saw her mother with the dog yesterday!!!!!!!! Then Carol that lives behind us starts pounding nails in the wall about 10:15 pm and that was it!!!!!! I took the cupboard door and slammed it HARD!!!!!!! Guess she got the message because she stopped pounding!!! WTH is the matter with people???? Now yesterday Carol comes in my office after her dr appointment to tell me she is supposed to be on COMPLETE bed rest until she hears from dr on her test appointments!!! First thing this morning here she comes into my office!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doing a recertification and she expects to come in????????? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!! This complex does NOT revolve around her!!!!!!!!!!! If I close my door it gets stuffy in there so that is out of the question. I am sorry to keep sounding off on my job but who else can I sound off to? Rick has also had it up to his eyeballs on her also. So I don't think its me needing to be on any prozac...
Well Bandit is scratching my leg and wants to go potty walking...LOL then I have to take a trip to the bank to cash pay checks. Waiting to hear also on the truck repair. Had to call a wrecker yesterday because it wouldn't start. One of the tnants here today said if it costs an arm and a leg he had an extra leg in his closet we could have....OMG I laughed so hard....(this guy has 2 fake legs).
OK need to go now...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!