Thursday already!?
Good evening OFF family.
Connie...stay close to your friend and just hold her hand. Girlfriends are the BEST!
Trish...stay pain free post op, stay off your feet.
Well the weather is much better here in Michigan today. Got a call just before 0800 from the youngest stepdaughter with 4 kids. She was up all night with David who just got out of the hospital. Could I come over and watch the kids so she could sleep for a few hours? Sure. Well Loulabelle who is 2 wanted to go outside and play in the snow. Grandma didn't have her boots so big sister Rozzie took her out sledding for a little while. Needless to say when Loulabelle came back in she promptly fell asleep! David in the meantime, fed him his bottle and sang him to sleep. Peace and quiet for awhile. The 2 older kids went outside a few times. They have a wonderful hill they can slide down. Guess tomorrow I'll go over and give mommy some relief once again, she sure did look whipped. That's why God made Grandparents, I sure do enjoy the grandkids.
Hugs and prayers for all in need. Debbie