Saturday Happenings-What's Up?
Oh, Connie, I just now read your post this morning. Hon, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. I can't imagine living with the chronic pain. I can easily understand how you could get depressed, but suicide is never the answer. I know you know that. Please believe in yourself and remember your precious grandchildren. What a horrible thing your suicide would be for all of them. I know you don't want to do that to them!
I agree with Trish--God loves you and wants you to be happy. I'll be praying for you daily. You can call me, too. My number is 936-615-0317. I've been depressed before and I know what an awful feeling it is. It's something that many of us have to fight daily. All I can tell you is that when I start feeling that way, the best antidote I know of is to LEARN something new! If I can get my mind engaged with learning something new, I forget to be so blue. It can be something very simple, like crosswords or sudoku or a jigsaw puzzle. Even a FB game can distract me sometimes. Or I will start a new project, like crochet. Exercise and being outdoors helps, too, but I understand there are limitations for you there. The point is to fight the urge to sink into depression any way that works for you.
We all love you very much, sweetie! You are a very special person on our forum. Please remember how much you mean to so many people.