Nov 15: Today I am thankful for . . .
Today I am thankful to be about 95% through with this packing! There is not one single item left in any drawer, cupboard or closet tonight! And there is not one piece of furniture left to move either! All my appliances are gone, too. Whew! Tomorrow we have to load up the stuff I have boxed to take back to Hilltop and maybe make one more trip to the storage building, but then we can FINALLY go home! This has been a very long two weeks! I am thankful that the end is in sight!
Today I am Thankful for one of my tenants that had someone knocing at her door and was scared and called the police...turns out it was our deaf tenant returning her scarf!!! He didn't HEAR her ask who was there!!!! Police said better safe than sorry...I said the same thing!! When I heard the call come over the police scanner I told Rick grab your coat might be trouble other side...we looked all over saw nothing...cop saw me and shined the bright light in my face!!! I told him I was the manager and was out looking like he was...OK....asked him if they could check the lots through the night just incase...he said no problem! Usually when things like this happen the cars get broke into...
Vic happy that you are done packing!!! Two weeks seems like a long time to get it done but really it isn't!!
Connie...prayers for your friend Pam and she gets to feeling better soon!!!!
Today I am thankful that my DH surgery is over. We went for a consult on Tuesday & they did it yesterday, Not only that but we don't have to go back to Ann Arbor to have it checked, They will do that over computers here in TC.
Also I drove from Ann Arbor to home last night. I haven't driven in the dark in years & have only driven 3 times in over a year!!! I love not having chemo!