Good morning all

Nancy H.
on 10/18/12 10:23 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning to everyone. Well I have good news, my son will be home today!!! He is out of the Army. I am so happy. He plans on going to school now. My Dh just got another deer. He just walked n the door so I best go. I hope you all have a great day.Know you are all in my thoughts & prayers.
Patricia R.
on 10/18/12 11:37 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nancy,
So happy your son is out of the Army.  I understand that relief you must feel.  I could not imagine any of my kids in the military these days.

I'm still in Perry, Michigan, enjoying my grandchildren.  Today, we are going to Jumping Jax, an indoor bouncing place for kids.  My daughter has free passes that expire tomorrow.  The kids are wonderful.  My grandson spent most of yesterday playing with my Mom, and wore her out playing with cars and balls.  

Not much else to share, except my son-in-law and I are thrilled the Tigers swept the Yankees to go to the World Series.  Now, for the Cardinals to beat the Giants.  I'm rooting for the Tigers to go all the way.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Jo W.
on 10/19/12 1:07 am - Owosso, MI
GIve Me a call if you will have time for a meet up!  Ill come your way.    I do know you are busy,  even more so with your mom there.  If we dont make it this time there is always next time!
on 10/19/12 12:25 am - Bradenton, FL
I am still in Colorado and I dont fly home till the 29
My friends funeral was yesterday and today I am taking her girls out to lunch.
I need to go to Best Buy to get a phone charger as mine broke and I didnt bring the car charger I have.
I hate to buy one cause im getting the IPhone 5 in November.
Well thats the plan.
image hosting site

Jo W.
on 10/19/12 1:11 am - Owosso, MI
Good MOrning Off Friends!  
I dont like the new format!    
 I also hate not having internet at home.  
 I hate cold wet rainy days in October when it should still be warmer and sunny and pretty.

BOy I am full of complaints today!!    Ill stop griping and just wish every one a good day and a happy weekend.  
Prayers from our house to yours for all who are facing difficulties of all kinds   or who simply want the prayers.   God understands  
Patricia R.
on 10/19/12 1:23 am - Perry, MI
I have days like that.  I always try to turn it around with a verse: "This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Love ya,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/19/12 1:28 am - Danforth, ME
Good Morning Nan and OFF-

Nan please thank your son for his service.  I'm happy that you don't have to worry about him being deployed overseas anymore.  Congrats to your husband on the deer.

Well I arrived in Texas on Wednesday.  Got the motorhome out of storage and have been settling in.  Lots of cleaning to do and a weeks worth of laundry.  Tonight they are having a potluck recognition dinner for the local volunteers who give so much to the Refuge.  I think they're more important than the RV volunteers who come for a few months and then leave, myself included.

I'm anxious to renew my membership at the wellness center and star****er fitness classes on Monday.  I gained 10 pounds traveling mostly in carbs.  GRR...  I did meet the weighin goal for the one year appointment with my surgeon.  Oh well, someday I'll learn that carbs are my enemy.

Well, that's about all from sunny Texas.  Positive thoughts to all of you in need.

Connie D.
on 10/19/12 2:27 am

Good morning Nan and everyone...... wonderful to see you post the thread this AM. I am so happy your son is out of the Army. God Bless him for his service!!  Hope you are doing well. Keeping you and Morgan in my prayers everyday!

I worked hard yesterday to try and help my friend Pam clean out her mother's apartment. There is still so much more to do. I way over did it and felt it last night!! Today I have to help her with her garage. She can't do much and neither can I. I have my ex-boyfriend Tony coming over to help me. He is strong and can plow through things quickly!!! So glad we have stayed good friends!!

I am still having issues with my thing after the other. Not even worth mentioning. I just do what I have to do and move on to the next!! Still praying I can find a new home soon!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day. Prayers for many in need.

Love  and Hugs  to all....connie d

on 10/19/12 2:38 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning Nan and all my OFF sistas!

Nan, I'm so happy for you and your family.  I know you will all rest easier at night now that your son is home.  This is Morgan's daddy, right? 

So, it's another long, long Friday for me today.  I never thought I would dread Friday's, but I do.  It's Christie's worst and longest day at work (it's freight day at Hobby Lobby--you all can just imagine), and I have Benny all day long from wake up time to bedtime.  I just get so fatigued.  Thank goodness Butch will be home for the next 4 Fridays!

The blue funk is really trying to get me today.  I'm trying to stay ahead of it.  I think I'm bummed because I got on the scale this morning and I weighed 180 instead of 177.  Cindi, I've been eating too many carbs, too!  I have a good friend from my WW days, who always says, "Carbs are the work of the devil!"  LOL!  At least I am still staying out of the chocolate and away from the Cokes.  Instead I'm eating all types of bread and butter.  Not exactly a good trade.  "Get thee behind me, Satan!"  

Well, I must go and get some work done now.  I finally got the floors vacuumed yesterday.  Took forever to pick up all the toys.  I'm still crocheting scarves for Special Olympics.  Just about finished my 4th one.  Then I'll be out of yarn.  I'll have to decide if I'm going to make more or just send the ones I've already made.

Love you all! 



Judy G.
on 10/19/12 2:51 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Nan and OFF family!!!

Nancy this is WONDERFUL News!!! Your son out of the service and home!!!!!!! Please tell him THANKYOU for all he has done our our country!!! HUGS And congrats on the deer hubby got!!! I sure miss deer meat!!! :-(

Connie...seeing as you are still friends with Tony...would it be possible to share a home with him?? Maybe??????

Well the new guy sure isn't working out for us at all!!! He comes in when HE wants and doesn't even bother to call!!! Sooooooooo I went and put up a couple Help Wanted signs at the hardware and grocery store. Maybe there IS someone that really wants to work!!!!! Keeping fingers crossed that we find someone soon!!!!!! Sighs......

Got the check in the mail and need to make a run to Lowes for a ho****er tank.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


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