Republican Todd Akin
I, for one, could not believe that he not only said it, but that stupid ass ex governor of AR backed him up. He is confusing women with ducks. True, Ducks can block sperm so that when they are raped by multiple male ducks, they can close off their uterus so that the sperm cannot get in to the right track. But, ducks are ducks and we aren't ducks. Also, he is implying that women do not really get raped.
Your comment made me think of a saying I heard way back in university: "Confucius say when rape inevitable, just lie back and enjoy..."
I really hope he gets removed, his comments are so disrespectful of women and show a mindset not suitable for our century or even last century!!!. His backpedaling and fawning apologies just don't cut it.
It's funny (not ha-ha, but peculiar) ... when I was editing the story on him last night, we have an online program that spell checks and checks for grammar and Associated Press style, etc., ... well, everytime "forcible rape" came up, it stopped and wanted to change it to just "rape" ... but I couldn't because that was the quote. Because we all know that "forcible rape" is just rape ... all rape is forced. There is no other kind. Rape is rape.
It saddens me beyond words to know that men, men who make laws, still think that unless a woman is beaten to the inch of her life, she has not been raped. Plus, to think that a woman who is raped cannot get pregnant speaks to his lack of understanding of both biology and anatomy. I do not think that any man has the right to comment on matters of the vagina, uterus, or ovaries. If you don't have them, stay the hell out of mine...