Terrific TUesday Whats new with you?I
Afternoon OFF family...48* here sun is out but is so chilly!!! I am down in the dumps I guess and not sure why. Just feeling blah. One of the tenants is driving me nuts and I am trying to stay away from him!! He can't hear well and he butts in where he doesn't belong and I am trying to do recert with another tenant and he just plunks down and interupts...OMG!!!!!! Maybe I just need a vacation for a couple days away from here? Been here just about every day since we got here and I DO love this job and the people here BUT it can be frustrating at times....Oh well. I will get over it.
Got the last of the apartments rented out and no more to rent. That IS great!!! Now to collect my bonus!! Been waiting for that ever since my first 30 days. Lets see now...end of this month it will be a full 5 months here...hmmm what is wrong with this picture? Maybe this is what is bothering me? Payday is monday so see if the bonus is there. Hope so. Need to get out of this funk I am in. Just not sure what the problem is. It is not me. Sorry for venting.
Better get back to work. Have another recert coming in at 1 and need to have the papers ready.
Thoughts and Prayers for those that need them.
I have been missing you all so much!! My guy finally went back to work today. He had the worst sprained ankle I have ever seen. We were together almost 24/7 for three weeks. I am happy to be home and getting something done!! We had fun but it just reminds me why I like to be single!!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well. Wishing those traveling to keep safe. Praying for many with health, family, and work related issues.
I went tanning this morning. I always love to feel that heat. It does wonders for my pain!
My wonderful grandson, Nic turned 19 yesterday. Time sure does fly by!! Considering he wasn't supposed to live to be 4, 8, 13, 16.......he is doing awesome!! He will be moving here soon and I am so excited!!
My family is all doing well right now. Praying it stays that way!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!
Prayers for all everyday!!
Love and hugs to everyone......connie d
Well I almost burned the house down making bacon Lettuce and tomato sandwiches for dinner!!!!! Not realy just the smoke detector went off.
I am keeping my little 2 yr old cousin tonight. he wanted to come and sleep over so I took him...... He is playing games on the tablet. I am getting him ready to go into the tub shortly.
We went to BJ.s to stock up on swiss cheese and some other staples that I stock up on.....
Today I lost one of my little orange trees. It died over the winter. so my cousin came and chopped it down. I think im going to put a magnolia tree in its place. But Ill wait till I get back from colorado to plant it.
Im going to leave for Colorado may 26th and returne around July 7th. Ill be gone around 6 weeks.
My friend in Colorado has stage 4 cancer and I want to go and spend some time with her.
Vickie, I might be coming thru Hill country on my way to Colorado. I think that is the route I am going to take. I have been there before. I love Fredericksberg the German Town I have been there in 1999 or 2001 I cant remember. We took our popup there on a campout. I got stuck in it and that is when I decided to look for a surgeon to fix me!!!!! and I never looked back......
Now I dont have that camper anymore I just tent it. it is way cheaper and more fun...... Ill get another one someday.
well folks its time for mama duty.
Today has been a good day. DH is reading his Ipad again and that makes him happy and me happy. Work is good. I am ending the semester and my dean has signed me up for some really cool computer classes, which I love. So, work is good; DH is getting better; and I have good friends and healthy kids and grandkids.
Tonight, DH and I are getting ready to watch Dancing with the Stars. Hope you all have a good rest of thenight
Karen C