Thursday What's Happening?
Afternoon OFF family!!!
This weather is play hell on us here!! Rick is or should I say has a cold now...he feels like crap!! My nose is running and I am tired out. He is trying to finish cutting the grass on the other side today and then calling it quits for the day! Might join him on this one!!! Yesterday it was 75* today its 43* and they are saying storms for tomorrow. Yippee! Got a lease to do first thing in the morning and an inspection along with it to get him moved in. Still waiting for paperwork to come in for the one with no income. After I get this she has to come in and sign it all then I can send for the lease to be drawn up so she can move in. Then I am all done with any rentals and recerts! No more recerts til June!! AHHHHH finally some other things I can do around here besides sit in the office doing paperwork!!! :-)
My son's surgery was canceled yesterday because insurance papers were messed up!! He is upset and mad as hell. Tried telling him it wasn't the right time for this surgery and maybe God was trying to tell him something. He said he gave up on God years ago. Not sure how I can get this child of mine to trust and believe again.
Well time to go back to work. Thoughts and Prayers for all that need them!!
I went to the doctor this morning. I couldn't get an allergy shot because the season has already started. She did however get me back on the meds I was on when I lived here. My doctor in Iowa changed them....not good!! Then I ran errands. Got home in time to make lunch and clean up the kitchen. Now I am going to lay down for a bit. My sinus' hurt so much my whole face aches. It is getting better but still have a long ways to go.
Wishing you all a great day!! Prayers for those in need!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Well Today was rather interesting. I went to the dmv to try to apply for a enhanced drivers liscnece and the lady thought i was crazy!!!!! Seems Florida doesnt have them!!!!! I want one along with a passport. I am getting a passport re issued again as mine was stolen. I am going on a cruise in June with a friend from colorado. I cant wait. We are leaving out of Orlando Cape Canaveral. to the Bahamas, nassau , key West and some Cay island. I think it the island that Carnical owns with Princess Line. ive been there before. I cant wait . it is a 5 day cruise and is very cheep.
oh ya it also goes to key West.
I am playing mom all weekend. Ill have the 2 yr old all weekend as his mom is doing a show downtown showing her husbands sculpures. It will be fun. he keeps me hopping!!!!!
Nothing else going on here.
Had a busy day here at work and it's still going strong but the time flies so I'm not complaining.
I have tomorrow off and it's suppose to rain all day so hubby will take the day off (he's a mason) if the rain keeps up.
Just found out my GF is getting the sleeve next month. I'm excited for her. She will do well. I'll have to tell her to come on this site for encouragement.
Hubby and I will probably go to the movies tomorrow and do some grocery shopping. I need some more EAS shakes to drink. I love mixing EAS chocolate in my coffee and add a pinch of Cinnamon to it. When I get up in the AM I'm just not hungry but my body needs protein so there ya go!
Hugs and prayers for all in need. I can't believe April is almost here! Debbie