Thought for the day...who's in charge
Thought for the Day....who's in charge
Thought for the Day....who's in charge Posted: 02 Jan 2012 03:04 AM PST "Do you often slip off your ideal diet? Do you eat when others invite you to, even though you are not hungry? Do you continue eating even when you are full, because you feel you should finish what’s on the plate?If you do, you’re not alone. Looking back, I often compromised on my ideal diet, based on the situation I was in. If I was in a restaurant, I would order the mains even though I wasn’t very hungry, because I thought I should match what others were ordering. I would then blame my misstep on the fact that I was eating out. If there was food in the house, I would eat that, then blame my overeating on the food. If there was junk food, I would eat that, then blame my poor diet on lack of availability of healthy food. If someone offered me food, I would take it, then blame the cir****tance for making me slip on my diet. Of course, I was the reason why I kept slipping off my ideal diet – not the food, not the restaurants, not other people, and certainly not the situations. I had given power of deciding what to feed my body over to others. It was when I took ownership of my meals that I turned that around." --Celes at Personal Excellence |
Hi steps is good, taking back our lives/responsibilities is great and freeing.
Holidays are hard if we let them be...this year I didn't let anyone tell me to taste this or that.
Even had to do that this morning with hubby.
My body is doing weird things now that I'm on an off shift. I'm not hungry when I get up and really an EAS Protein drink mixed with coffee holds me until lunch time.
...Now...I just got to get my body back to exercising once again! Hugs Debbie
Holidays are hard if we let them be...this year I didn't let anyone tell me to taste this or that.
Even had to do that this morning with hubby.
My body is doing weird things now that I'm on an off shift. I'm not hungry when I get up and really an EAS Protein drink mixed with coffee holds me until lunch time.
...Now...I just got to get my body back to exercising once again! Hugs Debbie