One big candy bar thought for one big exercise thought!
I am freezing: threw some logs on the fire, put on a snuggly house coat, and have two of the girls snuggling…warmth is a coming. Today is walk/run and my trainer and I are meeting. Even though, I don’t like working out, I do like how I feel afterwards and I do sort of like working out.
Yesterday, I tried not to think about food as much and tried to replace my food thoughts with exercise thoughts…yeah that went over like a bull in a china store. I walked by a candy machine and saw a hershey’s bar and went from I wonder if those still taste as good as I remember and wonder if I tried to take a bite if I would still vomit to wow that’s a good looking candy bar, doing sit ups would be nice…just didn’t work. Candy bars equal good thoughts, sit ups equal not so good thoughts.
Today, get some exercise…get a plan.
Having trouble with computer/ Internet, tried three times last night to post to your great thread, but obviously that didn't work!
Last night, 3 miles on the treadmill. Today is my day off and as much as I'd like to get back to the gym, I have to work today instead of tomorrow. Getting path report....stress level increasing, and I must say, the long walk last night helped me sleep a bit better.
Hope I can get my thead going before I get booted off the net. If I do, will you be my second mate and do it for me?