Holiday Precautions: Doing Damage Prevention Instead of Controol
My meeting with the trainer went well. He says we can meet daily and do the one hour work out. I reminded him that I am doing the treadmill, zumba, and ballroom and he said it’s okay, one hour a day more will not kill me. So, I start on Monday. I could have started today, but I hate to change my daily schedule up here on Thursday. I am lucky that I get the trainer at a discounted price, even though he isn’t the one that I used before, he was my friend’s trainer and she said positive things about him. And, having the trainer to get me through the holidays will keep me from any possible repercussions from dressing, turkey, bread, etc…
Yesterday, after work, I had to do a little shopping, so, I ran to the mall and looked at a couple of really cute outfits for the two Christmas things that I have to go to, and while I didn’t find my Christmas outfit, I did find a workout thingy. My search for the perfect party dress continues—or party pants.
So, today, I will zumba in a new sweatshirt and pants.
Because the holidays are upon us and there will be much food for us to snack on, I am wanting to throw this out: we all run down and get the flu shot before flu season, and we also get our car serviced before long trips, so I’m just throwing this out there that before the holidays, let’s come up with an exercise strategy that will beef up our chances of making it through without damage. Let’s practice some damage control prophylaxis.
My damage control: I hired a trainer and I am going to avoid the party table at the parties.
What another great post!
My damage control strategy is to start to listen to my hypnosis tapes to get me to stay away from all of the goodies that will be coming into the salon very soon. I went to a hypnotherapist last year and she really helped me get through the season. The session was recorded on a CD, so I can reinforce when I feel I need to.
Some might call it cheating, I call it using all your resources at your disposal!
Hope you find the perfect dress!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland