Hi all, news on my docs. appt.
I have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Not sure if it's a recorence of the breast cancer or or a new kind. Had a biopsy to day to determine that. Had a CT scan on Tuesday night that showed a few small tumors on my brain, a 3.6 cm on tumor in my neck & a 5 cm in my chest. That one is pressing on an artery, blocking the blood flow back into my chest. So now we will find a treatment, & go foreward. Please forgive my spelling, as one is also behind my eye so sight is a little off.
I am not giving up!!!!!! If it is determined my chances are not good at all, I want you to know, I am ok with that. I have a great life, wonderful family, awesome friends, ore than I ever expected or deserved. I do feel emotional tonight, & may feel so differant tomorrow, pklease be patient with me, & thank you all for your support. I do care about you all so much.
Extra thank yous to Vickie, Karen C & Connie!!!!!
Also, this is the only public forum & have put this on, no face book please, I do trust you all.
My thoughts are with you. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling, but I do know that cancer treatment has come a long way. One thing that I have learned about various types of illnesses is that attitude and positive thinking can make a huge difference in outcomes. Also, meditation and relaxation therapy helps the body heal.
We all love you and hope you will find the right path and right treatment for you. Check with MD Anderson, USC, UCLA, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo, etc. There are so many clinical trials out there, too. Keep fighting. If you ever need to talk, please, I'm here for you.

(((Nancy))) I am sitting here with tears rolling down...asking myself why? Why Nancy? Why Morgan? Why so many of my friends having to go through this awful cancer? What did they do to deserve this? God only knows the answer to this. My heart goes out to you all and many many prayers will be said many times over for you all!!!! Trust in God and He will see you through it al!!!! Know that we are all here for you Nancy.
My heart is so saddened by this news. Yet, I know you will fight this with everything you can. You have my heartfelt prayers right now, and in the future, Draw on your faith, and fight the good fight for all it is worth.
Love and hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

I am sad that you are having to go through this. Positive attitude is very important and I believe you have that in abundance. Also lean on God. I pray that He gives you his strength to fight the good fight. One of the verses that comes to mind is that "Rain falls on the just and unjust." You are a wonderful person and have done nothing to deserve this illness. WE live in an imperfect world. Will be in prayer for you and your family.
Hugs, Mag