will have to ask my dr about the massage part see if they do it there in his place or if i need to go elsewhere for one. right now massage sounds good to me as i am hurting all over!!! all the cleaning and cooking that i did for the party and this cold rainy weather...omg i hurt!!!
i didn't see anything about peeing in the book with my pills so will ask the dr when i see him next week or so. will let you know what he says. what memory...mine left me long time ago....
Vera I am soooo worn out after all the cleaning and cooking for Rick's party Sunday...I hurt so bad yet!!! I go see my pain dr on wednesday at 945. Will let you know what he says then.
Rest sounds so good about now!!! We have neighbors from hell above us and its like living in a chinese torture chamber at times!!! No rest for the wicked!!!
Good idea but not right now. My credit is no good thanks to my ex step daughter ruining my credit!! My exhusband took my POA away from me when we were still married and he appointed his daughter. Well she didn't make the house payments or pay the taxes. Sooo needless to say my credit was ruined for that!!! So until that is cleared up my credit rating is no good unless I want to pay through the nose!! And we are also thinking of moving to a warmer state sometime in the future so buying isn't good right now even if credit was good for me. But thanks for that idea!