Thanks for the link...says the same thing that the paperwork does that came with the pills. So I will be on the look out to see if anything happens. Just took the first pill when I got home from work tonight and keeping fingers crossed that I don't feel sick!!!
Work tomorrow morning and I have to take another one when I get up. Might wait til I get to work to take it...don't want to drive after taking it not sure how it will affect me yet while awake. I work 830-330 and hope I can do it.
That "fog" is weird Eileen...but being on the cymbalta was dangerous for me. The pain was gone and all but it made me do things I wasn't aware of.
Thanks again.
I was evaluated by a rheumatologist and also given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. My best time of year is Summer because the warm air does not cause me so much discomfort. This time of year is when it all starts, and to be honest, somedays I just don't want to get out of the bed and move.
I sure hope you have a better time with the new med. I already take Cymbalta for depression, and it did not do a thing for my pain.
Sending you hugs,
Albert Schweitzer
Vera!!! HI!!!!! Been a long time woman!!! How have you been??
So this Savella works good for you huh? That is how the Cymbalta worked for me when I was on it. Pain was gone right away and then wham!!! Brain fog making me do things and me not remembering what I was doing!!! So I hope this one doesn't make me do that stuff!!! How long have you been taking it now? Did it make you feel sick when you first started taking it? I took my first one tonight and so far so good. Hope it stays that way too!!!
Keep in touch ok?
I was not sick at all. I have been on it for about two years. If I do not rest I can feel a bit foggy, but not on a normal basis. I have really found out that over doing it and not resting properly is a bad thing for me. Some days are just bad days and it seems that nothing helps. Then I have to resoert to a Loraset or a Percoset if it is real bad. Then I feel foggy!!!
I will try to be better about keeping in touch!
OK dr told me its all about STRETCHING!! lots OF STRETCHING!!! Said I need to keep the muscle stretched and busy to prevent them from hurting me. So I have ben trying my best to keep moving...but then I have always been moving alot...guess not stretching the right way?? Not sure but trying to do it now differently.
Started the 25 mg today and so far so good. Notice I have to go pee alot more now...hmmm side effect?? Have to look and see. But pain has gone down some but not gone like the cymbalta did.
Anyhow dr told me the vicodin would not help me with fibro pain. So not sure what else I can take. At a loss for now.
Thanks for getting back to me Vera. Meant alot to me.