I am not sure what I should do. Right now I am thinking I should not take it anymore. Why? Because I am not feeling right in my head at times! I do not remember things. Today for example I do not remember going to the mailbox to put the bill in the slot for the mailman to mail for me. I had to ask him if it was in there because I could not find it in the apartment! I am just not feeling like myself at times lately. The pain I have been in is gone...but I can't keep feeling like this...not remembering things...its sort of like I am in a fog of sorts at times also. So when I get out of work at noon tomorrow I am stopping at the dr's office and asking how I get off this medication!!! I have had enough of this. Do you think I am doing the right thing?
Thanks for letting me ask...vent...
I am sorry you are feeling this poorly on the Cymbalta. I have been on it for over a year, with no symptoms like you describe. If you have only been on it for a few days, I would say it usually takes one to two weeks for it to take effect for depression. Maybe that is the same for the side effects. I would ask your doc who prescribed it about that sde effect.
Albert Schweitzer
I knew you were on the Cymbalta for pain. My thought was if it takes a week or two for someone with depression to feel the benefits, is it possible that this confusion would go away after a week or two? Just something to talk to the prescribing doctor about. Sorry for the confusion I caused with the way I worded my reply.
Hope you are feeling better.
Albert Schweitzer