Wednesday-What;s Up?
Another day, it's 95 degrees here and the end of August. So maybe it'll cool off? Naw.
Busy night last night at work and it figures to be that way again ... I had to do two sports sections, the second one is six pages, and I have the same duties tonight. The first one is just two pages, but the second guy keeps bothering me while I do the first section. Plus, we had server issues, so I had to keep rebooting to get things working properly. But we got done on time.
Not much else going on ... just having my coffee, watching my soap ... gonna miss "All My Children" when it goes off the air.
Well, the White Sox play this afternoon ... they're on a roll, but they have to be to stay in the AL Central race.
Julia, I have a tooth problem too but have to wait and save the money to get it fixed. It's really bothering me, too.
Well, have a good day.
Do you have a Care Credit card? It's a way to pay for big medical expenses, usually without interest. Depending on the amount you have to charge, you get so many months interest-free to pay it off. I've used it lots of times for dental and optical stuff. Ask your dentist's office about it. Most medical professionals accept it.
Dental expenses are really out the roof! Teeth are becoming a luxury that no one can afford, even with dental insurance!
Funny, because I got a car loan and two other credit cards (which I am using judiciously, but they are a) a gas card and b) not enough to cover my dental expenses).
And the dentist wants their fee paid up front before insurance, so I will have to save up.
Just dropping in to say hello to everyone!
Had my hair cut today...much shorter in the back, longer in the front...asked her to thin it out alot in the back. I'm still forgetting to go for a regular trim because I had such long thick hair that I could sit on until last summer and never had to go reglalrly. sure grows fast & thick! What a pain! So forty dollars later...
On the way home, I stopped at a local farm fruit stand and bought .another big basket of field-ripened tomatotes and a basket of tree-ripened peaches..yummy! *s*. I drove up to the stand at the end of a farm driveway. It is "self-serve" take what you want and leave the money in a jar and take your own change.. the HONOUR SYSTEM..isn't that wonderful!? *s*
Tonight I am going with friends to dinner at a Japanese restaurant...last time, the meal, thought supposedly small, was far too much and though I took it home, it's not as good re-heated. Zeus loved it though.
Thursday, I go to be tested to see if I am still deathly allergic to penicillin...I'm not scared but just "aware" that things could happen.
Well I'd best move and make dinner for the guys before I leave.
Nancy B