Pictures of Morgan

Nancy H.
on 8/16/11 6:40 am, edited 8/16/11 6:41 am - Traverse City, MI
Hello, just wanted to let you know I finally posted pictures of Morgan.
Thanks, Nan
They are on my profile, sorry
Judy G.
on 8/16/11 7:50 am - Galion, OH

(((Nancy))) Morgan is so precious!!! My prayers are being said every night for her to get better!!!


Nancy H.
on 8/16/11 10:27 am - Traverse City, MI
Judy I know I am grandma, but you are right, she is a precious gift from God. Thank you, Nan
Connie D.
on 8/16/11 10:19 am
Nan...what a beautiful little girl. Her eyes just sparkle!!

It is so special seeing her interact with the other girls!!

The pics bring back memories of Nic.....he and Morgan are fighters...they will continue to beat this monster!!

Thank you for sharing.

Love, hugs and more prayers always.....connie d
Nancy H.
on 8/16/11 10:25 am - Traverse City, MI
Connie, you brought tears to my eyes. Yes they are both fighters & I believe God has plans for both kids. Again thinking about Nic gives me strength to go on. Thank you for sharing him & his story with us!
Connie D.
on 8/16/11 11:39 am
Nan...thank you for sharing Morgan's story with me!!!

Yes....we have some pretty awesome grandchildren for sure!!!!

Love and hugs...connie d
on 8/16/11 11:48 am - Danforth, ME

I just love her gorgeous eyes.  I am a knitter and I would like to knit her a hat.  Does she have a favorite color?  Knitting is how I'm distracting myself from eating so she would be helping me with my weight loss.

HW - 351 SW 0 342  SurgW - 298!  1st. Seminar July 2010 Surgery  August 1, 2011  
Nancy H.
on 8/16/11 11:53 am - Traverse City, MI
Cindi, I know she would love it. It looks like eventually she may be going back to New York for more treatments. Her favorite color is red, bright red. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
karen C.
on 8/17/11 11:52 am, edited 8/17/11 11:54 am - Kennewick, WA
Nan, I don't even know what I'm trying to say here. I am so touched by the courage of your Morgan and Connie's Nic. As the grandmother of 3 precious little girls I can only imagine what you and your family go through on a daily (hourly?) basis. My heart goes out to you and yours. I know I would gladly go through anything to spare my dear ones any pain. If only we could do that. Instead we "only" can help by being strong for them, helping to make their young lives as meaningful and full as possible. What a trouper. You tell Morgan that her head is beautiful with or without hair. I'm sure were mine shaved it would be covered with my brown age spots that are everywhere else on my body! And my skull would no doubt be baggy and wrinkley! Not a pretty picture to even imagine. Hair grows back and often comes back with curl. Wouldn't that be something? I'll keep Morgan in my most positive thoughts. (and you too)

Karen C

Nancy H.
on 8/17/11 12:32 pm - Traverse City, MI
Thank you Karen, what you have said means more to me than you know. You are right, I would give my life for her, or any of my kids or grands. It looks like all I will have to give is my hair. I jhave told Morgan, when I get out there She & her dad can shave my head. I plan on getting matching hats for us. I have been there, chemo,
& was surprised at how little it meant to be bald. I even bought a wig then & only wore it ocasionally. I had a masectomy & rarely wear my boobs. This is me, love me or not, your choice. Just don't waste my time. ( speaking hypothetically, not to you).

You are right, Nic & Morgan are my heros!!!!. As are all the kids & have met on this journey.

I must be tired, I am rambling, anyway, thank you, & always remember, you are so blessed to have your family!


PS, my hair came back in ringlets!!! Maybe this time straight.
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