Wednesday What's Up?

Patricia R.
on 8/10/11 12:05 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Julia and OFF,
I will be praying for you today.  When I lost my brothers, I did not grieve until the day after the services and funerals.  It's my way of dealing with grief. 

Wednesday has me oversleeping, because I stayed up to watch the Phillies/Dodgers game which ended late, because they are in California.  I will be getting to my AA meeting this afternoon, and then some knitting.  This morning, I have to do some cleaning in my kitchen, so I can start packing it.  My kitchen is wicked hot in the afternoons, so I have to work in it only in the mornings or late in the evening.  It is not air conditioned, and gets a lot of sun in the afternoon.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/10/11 12:30 am
Hi Julia, my deepest sympathy goes to you and your family. I just lost my sis in law. It didn't hit me till everything was over.  Everyone deals with grief differently. 
This weekend  I will be making pickles, freezing peaches and other veggies. Sometimes I dread this time because of all the work but it is worth it. It is starting to cool down at night. I hear the locusts making their noises so summer is starting to come to an end. This summer has went so fast. Have a great week. Mona

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Laureen S.
on 8/10/11 2:01 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Julia, OFFr's,

Julia, you are on the minds of all of us and in spirit you have many sending good wishes your way, I am one, my experience was that if the initial shock of it actually occurring, I was busy with the calls, the preparations and then it slowly sunk in in the days and months following the services, find your peace and comfort in the knowing that you were loved and you gave it back equally and still are. . .  much love to you dear Julia

Well had a very exciting day of things here at work yesterday, just before lunch I watched as the skies were alight with lightening, something that I always enjoy watching and then the rains came and I do mean came down in amazing quantity, watching from the windows, it was as if the cars were driving through streams.  I went into the lunch room to heat my lunch and eat and another coworker was there as well, she pulled the shade on the window behind her down and I watched from one of the remaining windows as the weather was seriously unbelievable.  All of a sudden it seemed like we were in a cloud and there was stuff flying up at the windows, branches, cardboard, leaves and all sorts of things and we heard sirens and some loudspeakers blaring, though we could not make out what was being said on the loudspeakers, so I grabbed my lunch and said, let's get outta here, this looks like a tornado to me. . . we went to the interior part of our offices and others had congregated in one of the attorney's offices and were watching as things continued to fly around and around, in about 3 minutes, it stopped and the rain just continued.  We went back into the lunchroom and turned on the television and there were the news people stating that our area was under a tornado warning until 1 p.m., it was about 12:45 and we looked at one another and said, well I think we just had one. . .  after I left work at 4 p.m., it was nice and sunny out, but as I drove out of the garage and turned the corner, the debris and tree limbs that were all over the place were absolutely amazing, I don't think I ever saw it that bad with any of the hurricane's I've experienced through my life.   This weather is an anomaly in these parts, but this past year the weather has just been weird.  Anyway, lots of folks north of us are without power today and one of the big attorneys in this office said that where he lives it wa**** pretty good, trees down and he is still without power.  It was an experience I will not forget anytime soon and I can only imagine what folks who have experienced the real big kind of tornadoes go through.  Mother nature is amazing, it was both scary and thrilling at the same time. . .

Well today has me at work, after work is up in the air, I might be visiting with the grands, I might be meeting with a sponsee, not sure which will happen, but ok either way.  I do intend to take Roxie for a walk this evening, which is what I did this morning for 40 minutes, the weather today is nice and it is expected to be this way through Friday or Saturday, so I will enjoy it!

Wishing you all the peace and strength to get through whatever challenges you are facing!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 8/10/11 5:00 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Julia and my OFF family:

I'm bringing up the rear as usual. Slept until noon ... I guess I needed it. I had a rough night at work ... the one paper I work for had a late story and I told the guy to have a plan B in case the story didn't come through on time because we have a 8:40 p.m. deadline. Well, the story was supposed to get in at 8, by 8:15 we didn't have it. I told him we had to find something else. So we scrambled ... found file art in the system and a story; then I had to find another story to fill a second spot ... and then the original story came in ... and I wanted to SCREAM! 

OK, I feel better now.

Julia, you are going through a tough time, having to plan all this. When my dad died, my brother took care of everything for my mom (well, with her help). I was home from Montana when he went to the hospital the final time and stayed home until he died. I was with mom when the phone rang at 5 a.m. and the hospital told us he died (they were supposed to call my brother first and not mom), but I answered the phone and got her up, hugged her and told her he was gone, then led her to the phone. It was a sad morning, but a great relief, too, because he had been so sick.
You are going through a similar process. Take time for yourself when this is all done. I know school is going to be upon you soon, but take a few days before it starts to relax.

Did you see, Julia, the post about my former teacher, Sister Madonna Marie? She was the one *****cognized my lisp (well, she didn't know it was a lisp, only that I had a speech problem). So know you are doing important work. Teachers touch so many lives.

I have the day off. I'm still in my jammies and would stay this way but I need to take out the garbage and get mail later. Juliette is stalking her squeeky mouse. That brought a smile to my face. She always does. I just enjoyed some homemade WLS-friendly blueberry muffins and my coffee with SF cinnamon dulce. Yummy.  I'm being a slug. I earned it after the past two nights. I'm so tired. And it's so hot ... 99 degrees, feels like 106.

I think I've rambled on enough. Have a good one.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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